Post Archive

Region: Refugia


good morning

Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Tovenia, Imperve, Hendraw

Honeydewistania wrote:good morning

Good afternoon

Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Tovenia, Imperve

Remnants Of The Pacific wrote:Good afternoon

Good night!

Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Imperve

Honeydewistania wrote:good morning

good evening

Honeydewistania, Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Remnants Of The Pacific

Hello everyone!

Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Hendraw

Sahriyau wrote:Hello everyone!

Hi! How are you?

Honeydewistania, Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Imperve, Sahriyau, Hendraw

Love how the RMB turned from talking about WA or Dacay's paragraphs to just introductions.

Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific

Aephony wrote:Love how the RMB turned from talking about WA or Dacay's paragraphs to just introductions.

Tends to happen when 46 nations show up in one day.

Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific

Sylh Alanor wrote:Hi! How are you?

I'm doing great! And yourself?

Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve

Sahriyau wrote:I'm doing great! And yourself?

Pretty good! Just been relaxing and recruiting today.

Honeydewistania, Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Imperve, Sahriyau

So Many New Refugi!!! :D \o/

Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Imperve

Welcome Outer Tans, Teaganvoss, Streflandia, Autumnly, Al Qusadani, Filiciya, Celman, Usssssrr, The Western Americas, Sahriyau, Zabele, Brawstar, Crolland, Adrippan, Birmonia, Aoflic, North Terlakast, Recifensespe, The Confiance Hash, Secra, Landoma, Aretama, Buenolandia, Alaco, Pais Legal, Brc1, Try Wistakiste, Tupiniquins, Stravovsk, Betaxandria, Bratilma, New Yetina, Iscandare, Naterfulabboodep, Flaria, Gerinandia, Estados Brasileiros Unidos, Pacytonkan, Sulista Union, Tzd, Donnaruna, Marecia, Menopotania, The Ancoussistan, Dasking, Katona And Montes, Greater Hedonia, Cadenceisland, Drogasss, Imperio Romano, Joaolandia, Hendraw, Drafonte, Reino De Grao-Para, Bash Vost, Krofslobard, Estados Unidos Das Highlands, Novo Brazzil, Apata, Intergalactic Pineapple Consortium, Larapia, andCatonal to Refugia!

It's so nice to have you! You've already received our welcome telegram, which gives a lot of quality information, but I wanted to point a few things out real quick that might help you settle into the region a bit better. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: If you'd like to be in a place where you can just chill and be around friendly people, those are the links for you. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS).

If you're interested and haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on that. If you join the WA, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!

If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly and almost never bite other people. If you'd rather read up on things instead of asking though, here's a dispatch that can help:

Chacapoya, Honeydewistania, Lethodus, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific

Do you think you got them all

Chacapoya, Honeydewistania, Lethodus, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve

Refuge Isle wrote:Do you think you got them all

oh no give me 30 minutes I'll go back through the list ;-;

Chacapoya, Honeydewistania, Typica, Vikoland, Imperve

Refuge Isle wrote:Do you think you got them all

refuge isle

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Remnants Of The Pacific

Sylh Alanor wrote:Welcome Outer Tans, Teaganvoss, Streflandia, Autumnly, Al Qusadani, Filiciya, Celman, Usssssrr, The Western Americas, Sahriyau, Zabele, Brawstar, Crolland, Adrippan, Birmonia, Aoflic, North Terlakast, Recifensespe, The Confiance Hash, Secra, Landoma, Aretama, Buenolandia, Alaco, Pais Legal, Brc1, Try Wistakiste, Tupiniquins, Stravovsk, Betaxandria, Bratilma, New Yetina, Iscandare, Naterfulabboodep, Flaria, Gerinandia, Estados Brasileiros Unidos, Pacytonkan, Sulista Union, Tzd, Donnaruna, Marecia, Menopotania, The Ancoussistan, Dasking, Katona And Montes, Greater Hedonia, Cadenceisland, Drogasss, Imperio Romano, Joaolandia, Hendraw, Drafonte, Reino De Grao-Para, Bash Vost, Krofslobard, Estados Unidos Das Highlands, Novo Brazzil, Apata, Intergalactic Pineapple Consortium, Catonal to Refugia!

It's so nice to have you! You've already received our welcome telegram, which gives a lot of quality information, but I wanted to point a few things out real quick that might help you settle into the region a bit better. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: If you'd like to be in a place where you can just chill and be around friendly people, those are the links for you. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS).

If you're interested and haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on that. If you join the WA, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!

If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly and almost never bite other people. If you'd rather read up on things instead of asking though, here's a dispatch that can help:

hi everyone

i am watermelon

Honeydewistania, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific

Imperve wrote:hi everyone

i am watermelon

I am a Whatermelon and a Honeydew 😎

Lower French Gregballs, Lethodus, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific

Honeydewistania wrote:I am a Whatermelon and a Honeydew 😎

melons together strong

Honeydewistania, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Junitaki-Cho, Remnants Of The Pacific

Honeydewistania wrote:I am a Whatermelon and a Honeydew 😎

Melon poll time?

Honeydewistania, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific


Vikoland, Imperve

It is done, I have created a poll to determine the ultimate melon.

Lower French Gregballs, Honeydewistania, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Tovenia, Imperve

Now we can have the melon wars

Your weapon of choice is your melon of choice

Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Tovenia, Imperve

Personally, i prefer Firemelon out of the four Elemental Melons.

Earthmelon sucks.

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Avatar Webby

good for you

potato clap

Honeydewistania, Imperve

no potato melon im sad


Oh yeah,

Don't forget that elections for the regional councillor seats are coming up, February 1[sup]st[/sup]. Any Member State is entitled to run for office, so it's a good time to think about whether or not you want to.

Chacapoya, Lethodus, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Remnants Of The Pacific

Narwhal wrote:Personally, i prefer Firemelon out of the four Elemental Melons.

Earthmelon sucks.

it does. how do you feel about air and fire melons?

watermelons are my favorite, but i personally like fire melons more than air ones.

Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Floofybit

i mean i dont care about the enviorment but i do care about personal rights

Sylh Alanor, Vikoland

Heanam 2 wrote:i mean i dont care about the enviorment but i do care about personal rights

It takes all kinds to make the world better, right? We can all make different things our focus.

Typica, Vikoland, Imperve, Katona And Montes

Narwhal wrote:Personally, i prefer Firemelon out of the four Elemental Melons.

Earthmelon sucks.

I harbor control over all four elemental melons. Use your powers wisely and do not disturb the world's balanace. Otherwise, I will be coming for you!

On a side note, I now have six golden badges.

Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve

Guys the cantaloupe is the supreme melon you dingle berrys!

Typica, Vikoland, Avatar Webby


Typica, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta


Ya hoo! Good job mate!

Typica, Imperve

good morning

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve, Avatar Webby

Heanam 2 wrote:Guys the cantaloupe is the supreme melon you dingle berrys!

Not at all! It is obviously the tangermelon! The orange melon with a thin easy to peel rind and 8 giant segments inside. How do you think they mass produce orange juice? Did you really think it was actual oranges?

Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Imperve

Honeydewistania wrote:good morning

Good morning. The cantaloupes are rising.

Honeydewistania, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve

Refuge Isle wrote:Good morning. The cantaloupes are rising.

Luca voted for the Honeydews tho!! :yeah:

Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve

Floofybit wrote:Not at all! It is obviously the tangermelon! The orange melon with a thin easy to peel rind and 8 giant segments inside. How do you think they mass produce orange juice? Did you really think it was actual oranges?


my whole life has been a lie...

(seriously though i did not know that)

Typica, Floofybit

Honeydewistania wrote:good morning

Good evening to you, our regional honeydew!

Honeydewistania, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve

Hi for the first time

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Tovenia, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta

Transilvaniya wrote:Hi for the first time

Welcome to Refugia, your virtual home away from home!

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Imperve


Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Imperve

Romanilandia wrote:Hello!

Hi! Welcome

Honeydewistania, Typica, Vikoland, Imperve

Welcome aboard! How are you today?

Honeydewistania, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific

Refuge Isle wrote:Good morning. The cantaloupes are rising.

I like the lineup, but I cant seem to understand Option 1.

Who would want water in their melon? I'm pretty sure melons can't be liquid either.

From my research, there's no such thing as a "fluid melon" or "liquid melon".

(Lol, love this region)

Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Aephony, Remnants Of The Pacific

Cantaloupe is the best, all others make me feel meloncholy

Lethodus, Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific

Cantaloupe is perfect for fasting since it's like liquid and also somewhat solid, but the taste... ehhh. Melons are not for me.

I am sticking with vegetables.

Typica, Vikoland, Imperve

"Shrinkwrap Consignment Productivity Index 24,340%"


Imperve, Avatar Webby

Shrimp with cantaloupe, next level.

Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta


Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve, Tiralta, Hathniland

Good morning, everyone!

Typica, Vikoland, Kariforunia, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Donnaruna

Uniao Ilhada wrote:Olá

Bem vinda !

Is that portuguese correct?

Welcome !

Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Hathniland, Donnaruna

Uniao Ilhada wrote:Olá

Bom dia! Tudo bem?

Sylh Alanor, Imperve

Aephony wrote:"Shrinkwrap Consignment Productivity Index 24,340%"


When a stat bomb is bombed, certain issues can sometimes raise it above the clouds.

Vikoland, Imperve, Aephony

Are you all idiots??? cantaloupe is the best melon not watermelon I'm going to comit war crimes if this doesn't change!

Vikoland, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta

Heanam 2 wrote:Are you all idiots??? cantaloupe is the best melon not watermelon I'm going to comit war crimes if this doesn't change!

Fruit wars 2 - The return...

Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Heanam 2

Aephony wrote:Fruit wars 2 - The return...


Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific


Floofybit, Imperve

Honestly, I only voted for cantaloupe because it means "singing wolf" in Italian.

Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta

Aephony wrote:Fruit wars 2 - The return...

Oh no, what have I done...

Chacapoya, Floofybit, Imperve

Refuge Isle wrote:Oh no, what have I done...



I'm not participating in that blood bath


Welcome Larapia, Based Kampuchea, Lamen Frium, Ucso, Newmaconha, Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pangeodrea, Pica De Negao, Republica Socialista De Verior, Fola Pro, Hathniland, Heanam 2, Limmasol, Dreeper, New Chevoria, Jotapen, Reino Do Sul Da America, Reino Unido De Sao Paulo E Algarves, Romanilandia, Puzakland, Brizola, Uniao Ilhada, Karelia Del Sud to Refugia!

It's so nice to have you! You've already received our welcome telegram, which gives a lot of quality information, but I wanted to point a few things out real quick that might help you settle into the region a bit better. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: If you'd like to be in a place where you can just chill and be around friendly people, those are the links for you. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS).

If you're interested and haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on that. If you join the WA, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!

If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly and almost never bite other people. If you'd rather read up on things instead of asking though, here's a dispatch that can help:

Chacapoya, Vikoland, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Hathniland, Karelia Del Sud, Brizola

Let me just do my first move in this war:

*Aephony closes its borders unless it's an emergency.*

*Aephony starts efficiently growing avocado crops more than usual.*

*Aephony prepares soldiers in front of every farm in case something happens.*

*Mines are now deployed all across Aephony's war zones.*

*Citizens are more patriotic than usual.*

*After a recent newspaper article, potatoes are a symbol of hate and intrust.*

*Kids get taught in school the evil of potatoes.*

*Flags of Aephony are in every inch of its borders.*

*Moulkians suddenly gone missing and it's relating to Aephony.*

*Newspaper companies are earning more and more.*

I am prepared now.

Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta

Also hi new people, this is refugia, this is the best time to join it because of:

Aephony wrote:Fruit wars 2 - The return...

Imperve, Tiralta

im changing my flag it looks to much like estonia


it tis win

for the war let me cassually get ready to violate many things that nations arent suppose to do in war


[quote=aephony;46247001]Let me just do my first move in this war:

*Aephony closes its borders unless it's an emergency.*

*Aephony starts efficiently growing avocado crops more than usual.*

*Aephony prepares soldiers in front of every farm in case something happens.*

*Mines are now deployed all across Aephony's war zones.*

I really didn't want to get involved but

since your harming my citizens...

I'm forced to join the war...

*moulk2 launches a prototype into space*

*prototype goes into space and deploys*

*millions of avocado farms get hit by asteroids*

quote didn't work lol

Aephony wrote:Let me just do my first move in this war:

*Aephony closes its borders unless it's an emergency.*

*Aephony starts efficiently growing avocado crops more than usual.*

*Aephony prepares soldiers in front of every farm in case something happens.*

*Mines are now deployed all across Aephony's war zones.*

*Citizens are more patriotic than usual.*

*After a recent newspaper article, potatoes are a symbol of hate and intrust.*

*Kids get taught in school the evil of potatoes.*

*Flags of Aephony are in every inch of its borders.*

*Moulkians suddenly gone missing and it's relating to Aephony.*

*Newspaper companies are earning more and more.*

I am prepared now.

I really didn't want to get involved but

since your harming my citizens...

I'm forced to join the war...

*moulk2 launches a prototype into space*

*prototype goes into space and deploys*

*millions of avocado farms get hit by asteroids*


there we go now it works

Moulk2 wrote:there we go now it works

There is an edit button, you should definitely try using it sometime lol

Vikoland, Imperve

Sylh Alanor wrote:There is an edit button, you should definitely try using it sometime lol


Moulk2 wrote:nu

Alright then, next time is a warning. Please stop spamming the RMB.

Vikoland, Imperve

does this flag look good or the sealand look better?

Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Tovenia, Kariforunia, Imperve

Remnants Of The Pacific wrote:does this flag look good or the sealand look better?

I really like this blue, it's pretty.

Weenus, Narwhal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Kariforunia, Imperve

Aephony wrote: snip

Tiralta, a pacifist nation, will prepare our filibuster for official war declarations.

The Headlines

*Knowing that eggplant is actually a berry is an important part of the Tiraltan national curriculum.*

*Searches for "what vegetable matches your sun, moon and rising sign" skyrocket on popular quiz site FuzzFeed.*

*Picky eaters everywhere rejoice as Minister for Health reluctantly admits that yes, ketchup is a smoothie.*

Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Kariforunia, Imperve


Weenus, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Tovenia, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific

Typica wrote:Bem vinda !

Is that portuguese correct?

Welcome !


Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve

Hathniland wrote:Bom dia! Tudo bem?

Tudo bem e você?

Vikoland, Imperve, Hathniland

Boloic wrote:hi


Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve

Uniao Ilhada wrote:Tudo bem e você?

Tudo bem! Obrigado!

Vikoland, Imperve, Uniao Ilhada

Boloic wrote:hi

Uniao Ilhada wrote:Oi


Typica, Vikoland, Imperve

I'm actually in the top 1% in refugia for something? Let's go :) (don't worry, the law enforcement is only so high because of the increased efforts to enforce people not to go against the tangerine)

Weenus, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific

friends 💜

Lethodus, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve

Aephony wrote:Fruit wars 2 - The return...

oh no...

welp, here we go

*preps bioweapons (missiles full of watermelons)*

*deploys spies to aephony and more spies to moulk2*

*tries really hard to get better defense forces*


*destroys potato farms*

*tells farmers to plant watermelons instead*

*starts researching how to create a watermelon zombie virus*

*watermelon tanks*


Refuge Isle wrote:Oh no, what have I done...

You have unleashed the beginning of the end for all of fruit kind!

Typica, Imperve

Imperve wrote:welp, here we go

*preps bioweapons (missiles full of watermelons)*

*deploys spies to aephony and more spies to moulk2*

*tries really hard to get better defense forces*


*destroys potato farms*

*tells farmers to plant watermelons instead*

*starts researching how to create a watermelon zombie virus*

*watermelon tanks*

How does one guacamole?

Honeydewistania, Typica, Narwhal, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby

Refuge Isle wrote:How does one guacamole?

In theory, one may guacamole by investing in my pizza industry.

Weenus, Honeydewistania

Refuge Isle wrote:How does one guacamole?



Imperve wrote:yes

y e s


Moulk2 wrote:y e s

ah y e s


Floofybit wrote:I'm actually in the top 1% in refugia for something? Let's go :) (don't worry, the law enforcement is only so high because of the increased efforts to enforce people not to go against the tangerine)

That's what an authoritarian regime would say!

Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby

Yall using water melons for war?

imma just use nukes shaped like cantaloupes

Floofybit, Imperve

Like what are yall gonna do against nukes throw melons at it?

Floofybit, Imperve

Post self-deleted by Heanam 2.

Heanam 2 wrote:Like what are yall gonna do against nukes throw melons at it?

I counter with Honeydewmsday Devices

Siornor, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve

Floofybit wrote:I'm actually in the top 1% in refugia for something? Let's go :) (don't worry, the law enforcement is only so high because of the increased efforts to enforce people not to go against the tangerine)

As long as you feed them some pizza, all is forgiven. My borders are always open for trade.

Floofybit, Imperve

Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.