Post Archive
Region: Refugia
I have a question, It's feeling boring when you just waiting for Issues... Is there anything that I can also do?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Michelland, Floofybit, Imperve, Donnaruna
You Can Look At Recent Forums. The AN (Above Nation) Ones Are The Most Fun In My Opinion. Or Write More Factbooks, That Wastes Lots Of Good Time Thinking Of Ideas :smirk: I Honestly Feel The Same Way Though lol
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Imperve, Slanska
Lol, I will gonna do that. Thanks bro!
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Is Slanskan a conlang?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
What is conlang?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Basically, it's a language created artificially by a person rather than naturally. Tolkien's Elvish language, Klingon in Star Trek, the languages in Game of Thrones, and Esperanto are some of the more well-known conlangs.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, New Filippe, Imperve, Slanska
Oh, It isn't
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Hathniland
That's fair, lol. I think it's probably the baseline, it's a lot of effort for a relatively small payoff. I was just curious because I couldn't place your motto's language, and since you listed Slanskan I thought it might be a Slavic conlang or something!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Well, I will use Esperanto for mottos, musics, arts and etc. The meaning of motto is "For Nation and Leader!"
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Hathniland, Berlando
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Hathniland, Slanska
Ne gravas! Esperanto estas bonega lingvo!
Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, Hathniland, Berlando
I didn't realize "gvidanto" was Esperanto for leader, neat! An initial /gv/ cluster seems kinda tough for an International Auxiliary Language, but I guess that's probably Zamenhof's Polish shining through, lol.
Lower French Gregballs, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Michelland, Floofybit, Imperve, Haibaria, Berlando, Slanska
lol :D
Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Berlando
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff are pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from December. We wish all of our friends and embassy partners a very happy New Year! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link:
Honeydewistania, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
That's looking awesome!
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Refugia seems more active than ever lately.
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony, Tiralta, Slanska
Thank you for the update, Wisch!
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony, Slanska
Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
I didnt expect this place to be to welcoming.
Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
We're making a special effort. Normally we just forage for nuts and berries and desperately try to appear normal.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta, Slanska
I'll keep a keen eye out, sharply focused on restocking the strawberry barrels.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Slightly more than half of my citizens perceive glasses as half full!
It's Inception all over again.
(Score of 50 on Percentage of Glasses Perceived Half Full)
Lower French Gregballs, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
I say it's completely full
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, The Land Named Bob, Slanska
Aj, Esperantistoj!, hej.
Vikoland, Michelland, Floofybit, Berlando, Slanska
Lower French Gregballs, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
last time I did that she filled it with mystery soup and I still haven't been able to find a way to responsibly dispose of that cup and its irradiated contents for six months
Lower French Gregballs, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Why didn't you drink the soup at the time D:
Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
I question the size of the glass if that much space is being wasted.
Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
I don't know where this "Mystery Soup" came from!
It could come from the kitchen, or... the all you can eat buffet...
Well, those aren't very good examples, but you get my point.
Lower French Gregballs, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Greetings fellow neighbours. How is your day?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony, Slanska
Those are fantastic examples, I feel I have learned much. You're so wise.
Hi! Welcome to Refugia :D my day's been pretty good actually, how's yours?
Typica, Narwhal, Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, The Land Named Bob
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve Ladies and Gentleman, the anthem of Slanska is ready
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, The Land Named Bob
yo my politicians fight to get in office
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve
Floofybit, Imperve
do they get military weapons because a missile just landed
near one of our carriers.
Floofybit, Imperve
Just posted some New Information about the Democratic States of Djorner in my factbook! Head on over there if you'd like and learn a little more about our quaint little isles!
Signed In The Utmost Respect,
The Democratic States of Djorner
WA Member State
Resident Nation of Refugia
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Floofybit, Slanska Well, my factbook was really ugly. So I edited some things, and... we got this
Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Djorner
It looks good my friend!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Thanks! yours to!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve
no they dont
I do not support fist strikes against countries my idea is mostly defense.
Floofybit, Imperve, Djorner
hows it going guys
Lower French Gregballs, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve
That's smart you also have the moral high ground when rallying support
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Thenuhj
Im doing well how are you doing?
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Donnaruna
I'm doing fine I actually did what I've wanted to do for a long time lose weight
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Donnaruna
thanks for asking
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve
Cantoloupe didnt win i think
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve
good (:
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Thenuhj
guys im better than you guys im ranked 69th on employment
Floofybit, New Filippe, Imperve, Slanska
Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Floofybit, Imperve, Donnaruna
69[sup]th[/sup] in the world for employment when
Floofybit, Imperve
Since we've been linking to our factbooks lately, I just updated this one to include a snazzy chart, if anyone wants to check that out. I'll probably go into more detail about taukredin whenever I put thought into it beyond "Celtic paganism with Norse and Anglo-Saxon syncretism." I also made this one where I prattle on about Hathniland's motto, since I evolved the language enough to suss out what it would be.
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Donnaruna, Slanska
How do I make my kingdom have a strong economy? could you give me some tips?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
That chart is good! And it is interesting that Hathinland has got scandinavian and British reffuges. Probably one fo the happiest nations in the world
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Hathniland
You have to carefully read issues. Choose options that sound as if they will help businesses, such as sports, sponsored events, and subsidizing businesses.
Turning on confirm your choice will help prevent mistakes.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Thank you! In my canon, the main island of Hathniland is slightly larger than Zealand (the Danish one, not the New one) and located right in the middle of the North Sea (it is, in fact, the remainder of the Dogger Bank, which had portions high enough to survive the Storegga Slide flood). This has historically allowed it to act as kind of a catch-all for various Northern European people groups, and made it a good stepping point for traveling between Britain and Scandinavia!
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Slanska
I understood better, thanks!
Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Hathniland
First factbook has been made
Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
just had an issue where a plane had to land and some journalist might be dead
Floofybit, Imperve, Pangeodrea, Slanska
Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
I had an issue of some country haveing a sub 'accidentally' go in to my waters and disappear so they had to find it
I found it and turn out it was a sub from [REDACTED]
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve
ok that was great
Going well, thanks for asking.
My brother keeps calling me multiple times a day, which means he's alive and (relatively) well and still his annoying narcissistic self. My sisters haven't called lately, which means both are alive and well and busier than even with their job and families. The police in my country haven't infiltrated my telephone yet (as far as I know) so all is well.
I'm considering putting in one of my banners a pic of the Weeping Willow I've taken a pic of. The weather outside is near-freezing but snow is not expected.
How about you?
On other news:
Can anyone please explain to me clause 2d in the WA proposal? Why does this clause suddenly mention 96 weeks if the rest of the proposal only mentioned 72? And isn't 72 weeks too much of a burden on small employers?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony, Donnaruna
It looks to me like the 72/96 issue is either a mistake or a poorly-worded way of saying that single-parents can have 96 weeks? I'm honestly not sure, I can't see anything about it on the forum post. Anyone who does understand this part feel free to add.
Regarding the second question, clause 5 provides a way for the government to compensate small businesses so they aren't unduly burdened. While I don't think this proposal does enough for workers, I do think it adequately addresses the needs of small businesses.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve
A bit busy actually, but overall a good one indeed!
It's nice!
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, The Land Named Bob, Slanska
Hooray! I just got a Refuge Isle card after spending most of my card points on it!
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony, Tiralta, Polushia
Hello, hello, to all my fellow groovy cats out here. I dig this place, for real, for real... I'll be in the coffeeshop down on 14th Street if you need anything. Stop by for some peace, coffee, and live-mic poetry. You know where to find me, you feel my groove? ;)
You mind if i leave y'all with some poetry? Well, this one's from Wendell Berry, titled "The Mad Farmer Liberation Front".
Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay.
Want more of everything ready-made.
Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die.
And you will have a window in your head.
Not even your future will be a mystery any more.
Your mind will be punched in a card and shut away in a little drawer.
When they want you to buy something they will call you.
When they want you to die for profit they will let you know.
So, friends, every day do something that wont compute.
Love the Lord.
Love the world.
Work for nothing.
Take all that you have and be poor.
Love someone who does not deserve it.
Denounce the government and embrace the flag.
Hope to live in that free republic for which it stands.
Give your approval to all you cannot understand.
Praise ignorance, for what man has not encountered he has not destroyed.
Ask the questions that have no answers.
Invest in the millennium.
Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live to harvest.
Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold.
Call that profit.
Prophesy such returns.
Put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees every thousand years.
Listen to carrion put your ear close, and hear the faint chattering of the songs that are to come.
Expect the end of the world.
Laughter is immeasurable.
Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.
So long as women do not go cheap for power, please women more than men.
Ask yourself: Will this satisfy a woman satisfied to bear a child?
Will this disturb the sleep of a woman near to giving birth?
Go with your love to the fields.
Lie down in the shade.
Rest your head in her lap.
Swear allegiance to what is nighest your thoughts.
As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the motions of your mind, lose it.
Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didnt go.
Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction.
Practice resurrection.
Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, New Filippe, Liphia, Imperve, The Land Named Bob, Aephony, Polushia, Donnaruna, Slanska
Werstonal, Floofybit, Imperve, Donnaruna
My nose is closed and I am remembering the sweet sweet moment where my nose wasn't closed, ༼;´༎ຶ..̸̸̨ ༎ຶ༽
Appreciate your nostrils while you can.
Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Fel Vudos, Brizola, The Greenwich Village I added "Politics" category to my factbook. I don't understand so much from politics, I tried my best
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Hendraw, The Greenwich Village
Thank you, I will let them know their value to me right now!
Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Slanska
Does your nose, I do suppose, smell the rose from the toes of Moses's garden prose?
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Slanska, The Greenwich Village
Ah, the agony of having a stuffed nose. Not an experience I would wish onto anyone.
Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
Ahhh I just accidentally made immigration illegal
Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Planet Risa, Berlando
well, Ya a have nothing to say to that
Imperve, Donnaruna
Quite poetic.
Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
Writing factbooks with complex formatting is like HTML + nation building.
Typica, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Berlando, Slanska
Floofybit, Imperve, Slanska
Lower French Gregballs, Refuge Isle, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Donnaruna, Slanska
Is it just a stuffy nose, or did you lose your sense of smell from COVID-19?
Typica, Refuge Isle, Floofybit, Imperve
Sorry I took so long on this, Ive been a little behind on other things this week.
Welcome Mayveen, Berlando, Kistano, Araube, Duneraven, El Obreros, The Greenwich Village, Gigastonks, Ametro, Sepai, Ventche, Wms, Hald Mit, Grayk San, Dilso, Slanska, Nicole2, Fretic, Kestomarian, Werstonal, Alutagusemaa, Ethaquodiya, Planet Risa, Tomoka, Testnationv, and Stum Atlen to Refugia!
Were so happy to have you in the region with us! Theres a lot of great information in the welcome telegram youve already received, but I have a few things that might help settling into the region easier. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: Links for both are in the region description box at the top of this page. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS). If you want a place to just chill and talk to friendly people, those are great spaces for that.
If you haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on what that means and how to do it. If you join the World Assembly, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!
If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly- I think weve only ever had one fatality from an introduction. If you prefer to read something pre-written over asking, however, check out this dispatch:
Sacred Toast, Lethodus, Typica, Refuge Isle, New Pi-Ramesses, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve, Tiralta, Planet Risa, Grayk San, The Greenwich Village
Hello everyone
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Tovenia, Imperve, Planet Risa, The Greenwich Village
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Tovenia, Imperve
I have collected 3 out of 328 Refugian cards!
(Araine, Chacapoya, and Refuge Isle)
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
Ayyy nice. You might be surprised, but the Refugi card collection is actually pretty small, since S2 of cards came out in 2019. Because we were still pretty small at that time,there are only 53 cards, and you can find all of them in Luca's completed collection here:
Some might be for sale and you can pump up those numbers.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Araine, Imperve
oh my god
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve
Finally something productive. I just wanted to share this dispatch that describes more about social policies of this country that is poorly described by the NS policies tab.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Imperve, The Greenwich Village
There are roughly 353k unique cards in existence.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Imperve
That one doesn't surprise me much. I've seen about all of them.
Typica, Chatula, Imperve, Avatar Webby
Sorry Ive been inactive for a while, real life got in the way and I wasnt able to play. but Im back!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Imperve
Welcome back! I hope everything irl is going okay now.
Typica, Vikoland, Imperve, Everetunga-Hari, Moulk2, The Greenwich Village
I appreciate the increase of activity on the RMB lately, bujt I somewhat miss the serious WA-proposals and SC-resolutions discussions.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Junitaki-Cho, Minskievian Refugees
Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.