Post Archive
Region: Refugia
A lot of us have had a pretty eventful and/or stressful December/January, so most of our usual discussion-starters haven't been able to put the time into starting those discussions on the RMB. Anyone's welcome to speak up about a GA/SC proposal, which a few people have done, and I'm sure we could get a response. We have pretty consistent discussions about things in the discord server.
Once I'm settled into my term at uni, I'd be happy to talk about more World Assembly things as well. I've never felt as good at expressing reasonable opinions on them as some other people in the region, but I don't mind starting conversations here and there. Also we'll have a new election for WAA Councillor at the end of February, so maybe more conversations could be started after that point :D
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Imperve, Everetunga-Hari
Awesome, but I don't think Araine has a card!
Yup, you have Typica, not Araine.
Also, unrelated, but is S3 ever coming out?
Typica, Vikoland, Imperve, The Land Named Bob
Greetings all,
I present a new poll for your eyeballs to behold:
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Minskievian Refugees, Imperve, Everetunga-Hari, Dacay
Season 3 is a myth, a bedtime feel-good story that people tell to their children to make them go to sleep.
On a much more serious note, yes. It's been confirmed to be in development, although there is no fixed date for its release yet.
Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Chatula, Tovenia, Minskievian Refugees, Imperve, The Land Named Bob, Tiralta
Hello, we brought sand
... a lot of it!
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Minskievian Refugees, Imperve, Avatar Webby
Hallelujah! Another based poll!
I welcome all the sand, unto my hand; come forth for this concrete land!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
you know, when the poll says a "cat being extra weird", it never specifies if its a human "cat", such as "look at that cat over there with those fine shoes", or a cat "cat", such as "that cat just scratched me, that hurt." Curse you, beatnik lingo!!!
Lower French Gregballs, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
based poll
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
I think in the span of one month I've went from socialism to capitalism to socialism
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
Perfect! Gotta get your economy up somehow...
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
hey guys! how are you going? i have a question, how my votes at the world assembly influence in my country or in our region?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Uniao Ilhada
Hi! Things are going pretty well for me, had a nice breakfast earlier and plenty of good coffee. How are you?
The General Assembly, one half of the GA, affects stats when legislation passes based on the category of that legislation. Repeals revert half of the changes back. Votes in the Security Council won't affect your nation, but they can affect other nations or regions, if the legislation is to commend or condemn someone. The most impactful thing in the region, World Assembly-wise, is endorsing the delegate. The delegate is a bit unique in that they get a vote equal to the amount of endorsements they have +1. So if you vote for something, and endorse the delegate, it's like getting two votes. You're already doing this, so thank you very much :D
If you ever want to chat about something that's up at vote, totally feel free to bring it up as well. We can have a pretty good estimation of what the stat changes will be, and explain some of the goals of the legislation if they're not clear.
Lower French Gregballs, Honeydewistania, Typica, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Brizola, Uniao Ilhada
hi frends
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Werstonal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Axolotlta, Avatar Webby, Fel Vudos
One thing that has always bothered me about my nation's description:
"The enormous, liberal, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Education, Administration, and Environment." Literally, by definition my nation is not liberal, as it is a state-planned economy and one aspect of liberalism is a free market economy.
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
That isn't necessarily true. Liberal is more broadly defined as freedom by NationStates.
Typica, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve, Everetunga-Hari
True, theres liberal as in free and liberal as in the leftist beliefs
Typica, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
It is defined that way by NS, but that's the source of frustration, because that word means something else.
Typica, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
yo dudes
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit
Morning 😁
Sylh Alanor
'Liberal' may be one of the most misused words of the English dictionary.
New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Hathniland, Duneraven
yeah it is
New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Floofybit, Hathniland, Duneraven
You can tell that NS was made from a very American point of view. Not only the fact that liberal is used to describe left-wing ideologies, but also the fact many answers to issues that could be described as "basic safeties and social welfare" lower Civil Rights.
Chacapoya, New Pi-Ramesses, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Avatar Webby, Haibaria, Aephony, Tiralta, Grayk San
me: wow I fixed carbon emissions
nation-states:the ecosystem is dying
due to the lack of carbon in the atmosphere
me: ._.
New Pi-Ramesses, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Fel Vudos, Berlando, Grayk San
New Pi-Ramesses, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve, Fuernox, Grayk San
Maybe it's more "Western World", seeing as Max Berry is Australian.
Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve, Grayk San
The telegram is for when i meet the terms. i sent it not too long ago to Sylh Alanor.
i just got lowered civil rights 2 times in a row oof
Floofybit, Imperve, Grayk San
The fact that allowing nazi sympathisers pretty much automatically increases civil rights and political freedoms just because of freedom of speech shows this. Freedom of speech does not mean people should be allowed to cheer for mass genocide
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Haibaria, Aephony, Tiralta, Hathniland, Duneraven, Grayk San
I've come to the point where I don't even answer that issue anymore. I will 1000% of the time forbid nazi rallies, but that being a hit to civil rights is actually insulting.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, New Pi-Ramesses, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Haibaria, Fel Vudos, Tiralta, Hathniland, Uniao Ilhada, Duneraven, Grayk San
But what about muh freeze peach?! Paradox of tolerance who?
Imperve, Tiralta, Grayk San
Hey guys, I'm going to be updating the map probably tomorrow or the next day, so if you'd like anything done and processed sooner rather than later, it would be a sweet time to get those in by telegramming Sylh Alanor.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Lethodus, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Fuernox, Tiralta, Grayk San
That issue aside, some other issues I generally do not like are "We have reached X amount of inhabitants! What should we do? I know! Let's screw up the economy we worked so hard to maintain!" and the all-time classical "Since we are a socialist system, let's have even MORE issues on why we should abolish it!"
Lower French Gregballs, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Hathniland
I just recently had a issue that said we should abolish something no one used anymore and put the money into things like defense forces and law enforcement. And after I selected that it decreased my defense forces and law enforcement! Strange nation states
Lower French Gregballs, New Pi-Ramesses, Imperve
Welcome Parynome, Ampelsand, Andelasia, Greenessex, Nation Of Duclips, Aquafrost, No-Nonsense Harpoonists, Red Country, Furk, Felagsfradi, Ibicia, Theogo, Belovic, Germakia, Greater Eastoshinesia, Napadia, and Of Conosur, to Refugia!
Were so happy to have you in the region with us! Theres a lot of great information in the welcome telegram youve already received, but I have a few things that might help settling into the region easier. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: Links for both are in the region description box at the top of this page. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS). If you want a place to just chill and talk to friendly people, those are great spaces for that.
If you haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on what that means and how to do it. If you join the World Assembly, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!
If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly- I think weve only ever had one fatality from an introduction. If you prefer to read something pre-written over asking, however, check out this dispatch:
Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific
Good morning
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
me when civil rights go up by 1%
me when civil right go up by 2.3%
Floofybit, Imperve
well I accidentally started breaking all large businesses into thousands of mom-and-pop general stores
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Good morning! Next morning, be sure not to post more than one message in a row, please.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Pangeodrea
blessed timeline?
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta
ooo yes yes yes, close to frightening economy and my PS and CR and... well, improving...
Lower French Gregballs, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Haibaria
Hi everyone! Would recommend voting for this Security Council resolution here, if you can ^_^
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho
What is this even about ?
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific
It's a Security Council resolution to commend Karputsk, who is a well-known historical defender. He's part of the gameplay side of Nationstates.
The resolution was written by Dacay, our Councillor of World Assembly Affairs, so it's a resolution written by a Refugi :D
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific
lobbyists are trying to convince government to recategorize most natural disasters as "non-critical naturogenic inconveniences". I thought I banned these guys
Lower French Gregballs, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Imperve
I must appluad the writers of this SC resolution. It has perfect grammar and spelling, is beautifally written and sounds convincing. I voted "for" even before nolticing who wrote it. Kudos.
Your freedom ends where it unproportionally encroaches on my rights to live free of fear, intimidation and hatred, just because I was born to parents of color or chose to embrace the Jewish religion, to cite two examples of why Nazism should not be tolerated.
But... did you bring an & ?
Thanks for the clarification, and good luck with your studies etc. May February prove less stressful.
New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Dacay
Why is the "R" in "Reasons" capitalized in the region's description?
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
For Reasons
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
That are beyond our understanding!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Hello everyone! I was at a holiday and wasn't active. I'm back now!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific
I was on a vacation and now I'm also back!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Planet Risa, Slanska
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Planet Risa
Made a WA proposal, criticism welcome!
Imperve, Uniao Ilhada, Slanska
can someone recommend me some RP forums in NS?
Floofybit, Imperve
Hello all,
Over the last eleven-ish days, I have been working on updating the report I did last summer on World Assembly trends and history. That report has now been completed at great expense to my sanity. So read and enjoy and please consider dropping an upvote so others may enjoy seeing the cool colours of Refugia design choices dance across their computer screens.
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Chatula, Liphia, Tovenia, Imperve, Fel Vudos, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Slanska
I have quite a few legislations I need to get rid of ASAP Sometimes I misunderstand the options main point.
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve, The Land Named Bob, Remnants Of The Pacific, Fel Vudos, Uniao Ilhada, Slanska
Post self-deleted by Berlando.
Nu, subite kaj nevole, Berlando nun estas kapitalisma... ve! Sed almenaŭ, nia ekonomio pliboniĝis, kvankam ni reiĝos socialisma je la unua ŝanco. Malgraŭ estus bonege havi anarĥo-komunismom tie ĉi.
Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
i'll be a translator for berlando: Well, suddenly and involuntarily, Berlando is now capitalist ... alas! But at least our economy has improved, although we will be socialist again at the first opportunity. Although it would be great to have anarcho-communism here.
Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Berlando
Nian plej profundan kondolencon, ke via nacio adoptis kapitalismon. Ni esperas, ke vi povas trovi rapidan kaj efikan revenon al la superaj ekonomiaj politikoj ofertitaj de socialismo.
Vikoland, Floofybit, Berlando
hey guys!! how are you going?? i have a question, how the throttle of issues, on the tab of settings, works?
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta
Vikoland, Floofybit, Bloodburne
Vikoland, Floofybit
Normally, you get one issue on your nation every six hours. If you feel this is too frequent or annoying, you can adjust the issue rate to only receive an issue every 12, 24, or 48 hours instead.
This of course means fewer opportunities to change policies and build stats, if you're into that sort of thing.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Brizola, Grayk San
Very beautifully done! I love graphs and stats!
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Grayk San, Slanska
thanks, man!
Werstonal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Grayk San
wow I didn't even realize I'm second in the trout industry section for the region wow!
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Werstonal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Pacific Anarchist, Grayk San
runs around
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Imperve, Grayk San
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve
Pushes away and welcomes Cheesy Tots
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby, Grayk San
Welcome Bread For The Bread God Guooooh, Hoqeallistan, Fentiesu Dee, Carthmia, Finnestra, Brielistros, and Pacific Anarchist to Refugia!
Were so happy to have you in the region with us! Theres a lot of great information in the welcome telegram youve already received, but I have a few things that might help settling into the region easier. Refugia is part of a larger community named Calamity Refuge, or CalRef. We have a discord here: and a forum here: Links for both are in the region description box at the top of this page. We host game nights and movie nights from the discord server, and have been recently making our way through the Studio Ghibli catalogue. On the forum we have RPs and spam games (not really related to NS). If you want a place to just chill and talk to friendly people, those are great spaces for that.
If you haven't already done so, please consider joining the World Assembly! Click the link to learn more information on what that means and how to do it. If you join the World Assembly, you can endorse other nations in the region (endorsing the delegate increases our regional vote) and get endorsed in return. You'll also become a Refugia Member State, which means you can vote in our elections and get a spot on our map of Refugia!
If you have any questions, please let us know. Everyone here is really friendly- I think weve only ever had one fatality from an introduction. If you prefer to read something pre-written over asking, however, check out this dispatch:
Also welcome back Bellerre!
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Pacific Anarchist
Mi rimarkos tion
Orders a large fry, gooey cheesy and salty, with a tremendous waft of fresh ocean air.
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Floofybit, Imperve
*throws potato*
Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Imperve
is this going to lead what i think its going to lead to...?
imperve suggests moulk2 to cease and desist before the 2nd Fruit War is started
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific
you haven't read rmb did u
it already started...
Floofybit, Imperve
thankies uwu
i can supply the cheese for your order!
Typica, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
and I have some cheese :)
Cheesy Tots, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
I shall order three trillion dollar's worth please!
Cheesy Tots, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
Are you a mozzarella kind of tot? You seem like one. (That's a compliment I love mozzarella 😛)
Cheesy Tots, Imperve
Cheddar is obviously better than mozzarella
Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Imperve, Pacific Anarchist
i'll have to agree there
Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific
sends the cheese in large crates
we can share our cheese with everyone >:D
mozzarella for sure - always awesome
Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
Is Opa Refugia Colony a country? If so, Id like to see more information about this place
*Sips tea and watches the show*
New Pi-Ramesses, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Haibaria, Remnants Of The Pacific, Pacific Anarchist
Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve
I am a mozzarella man
Floofybit, Avatar Webby
Cheddar is the best
Floofybit, Imperve
No! Mozzarella for the win! (And then closely behind is provolone, colby jack, and sitting back in 4th is Cheddar)
Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats
Hey guys, my proposal is now out! So, Sylh Alanor, if you end up reading this, please consider approving my proposal. Thanks!
Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve
Good proposals take time to develop. Generally weeks or occasionally months of drafting as well. There's not much of anything in terms of quality that can be achieved in two short days where you seem to deflect feedback and critique.
What is the problem that you feel this resolution is necessary to correct?
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Vikoland, Floofybit, Imperve, Tiralta, Hathniland
Pepperjack is also quite fine.
Floofybit, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats
Untreated to the above, but too exciting to ignore the double post convention:
I just pulled my first pack of season one cards and it's a real doozer! My MV shot up due to two single cards! I literally gasped in joy and shock.
These are the cards in question: &
This is just an exciting find!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Imperve, Remnants Of The Pacific, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Oh wow those are amazing finds! Congratulations, that's awesome.
Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Michelland, Floofybit, Imperve, Avatar Webby
lack of lsd legislation.
Floofybit, Imperve
I voted against the Euthanasia proposal currently at vote, because I don't think the WA should impose on member states and on medical staff within said states, an obligation to assist in an act of taking life, even if it's with the deceased's consent. This decision should, IMHO, be decided by each country on its own, according to their society and their ethical and religious beliefs.
Vikoland, Floofybit, Grayk San
I would personally disagree with this. I don't think its right to condemn someone to a painful and prolonged death simply because of cultural mores. By that logic, shouldn't all medical legislation be lifted, lest they conflict with a society's beliefs? Would it be right for my country to no longer mandate doctors washing their hands out of a sincerely held religious belief that dirty hands are better at healing? It's a more absurd practice than that of banning euthanasia, granted, but both have the same result: unnecessary suffering in order to appease unscientific belief.
I'm voting for the legislation, though I think it has some flaws. I'm not a fan of the opt-out clause, as I think that if you are uncomfortable to the point of refusal to do an aspect of your job, you should look at a change of careers rather than forcing someone to find a new medical provider.
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Michelland, Imperve, Avatar Webby
just a general question has there been or will there be a map wipe and will we pick a new random map?
Floofybit, Imperve
There hasn't ever been a map wipe. The one that we're using is the same one that we started with. I've removed nations who have long CTE'd and some areas have had a few different nations on it, but if someone's nation is still alive and around, then they stay put.
There are also a few nations on the map who are long gone, but were very influential in our history, like Áthidil who created our original eco goals and formed our embassy with New West Indies.
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Michelland, Floofybit, Imperve, Aephony
Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.