Post Archive

Region: Refugia


Targis wrote:If everyone’s free to be themselves, it doesn’t really matter whether you’re in the minority or not.

Precisely. When you are a minority (doesn't matter in what category, and most people find themselves in some minority or other), you learn to value Democracy, and the freedom it grants minorities to be themselves, and the need to protect that freedom for everyone else as well.

Minskievian Refugees wrote:Hello Refugia! It's time for a World Assembly discussion post. This one is on Commend Cretox State.

Commend Cretox State is a proposal to commend Cretox for his TNP, WA, and issues work, including 15 WA resolutions, 6 issues, and a term as TNP Vice Delegate alongside terms as TNP Minister of World Assembly Affairs.

This proposal is interesting because it's meant to be a "bad-faith commend", as Cretox describes his playstyle as "bad-faith". What does this mean? The proposal seems to unwaveringly adore bureaucracy, for whatever reason. Regardless, Cretox is probably commendable, but many have mixed thoughts on his "bad-faith" playstyle.

What are your thoughts?

I think Cretox is commendable but this specific commendation is written in poor taste, In My Humble Opinion, which is why I voted Against.

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Polushia

Afternoon, Refugia. Indulge me in the latest happenings, please!

Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine

Can everyone please endorse me? I am trying to grow my empire as much as I can. Thank you so much for your support!

Floofybit, Adawu, Polushia

Comstockia wrote:Can everyone please endorse me? I am trying to grow my empire as much as I can. Thank you so much for your support!

Alredy endorsed you ;-)


Comstockia wrote:Can everyone please endorse me? I am trying to grow my empire as much as I can. Thank you so much for your support!

Of course! I need to continue the legacy of endorsing everyone

Tiralta, Polushia, Azelandia

Aephony wrote:I think bi is for two or more genders while pan is for all

I believe (I’m probably wrong) bi people have a preference if I’m not mistaken I used to have a friend who was bi but I haven’t seen her in years

Polushia wrote:Isn't that bi?

It's kind of a grey area.

For some, there's no real difference and they just lean into the word they found first or like best.

For some, bi is two or more genders or gender expressions (so you may be attracted to women and all kinds of nonbinary people, but not men)

For me, the personal reason I say I'm bi rather than pan is that I find gender still has an impact on what I find attractive. There are things I find attractive in men or nonbinary people that I don't find attractive in women, for example. However, there's almost certainly someone else with that "criteria" to their attraction that identifies as pan, and that's okay too.

Sacred Toast, Araine

Yondoria wrote:I believe (I’m probably wrong) bi people have a preference if I’m not mistaken I used to have a friend who was bi but I haven’t seen her in years

They may have a preference, but they also may not, it is a spectrum :D

Delta Vega Iv, Refuge Isle, Araine, Adawu, Tiralta

Sacred Toast wrote:They may have a preference, but they also may not, it is a spectrum :D


Sylh Alanor, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Adawu, Tiralta

Hey I have a video here and I would like everyone to watch it. I hope you like it 😉

Floofybit, Adawu, Aephony

When I saw the link I knew what the video was. Lol

Floofybit, Thenuhj, Polushia

Polushia wrote:Hey I have a video here and I would like everyone to watch it. I hope you like it 😉

You're not going to Rick Roll me

Typica, Floofybit, Polushia

Comstockia wrote:When I saw the link I knew what the video was. Lol

Thenuhj wrote:You're not going to Rick Roll me

Eh... I tried `\(*-*)/` 😅

Floofybit, Tiralta

Polushia wrote:Hey I have a video here and I would like everyone to watch it. I hope you like it 😉

haha nice try

Delta Vega Iv, Zukchiva, Floofybit, Polushia

Dear citizens of Refugia,

Does anyone have any useful advice for someone starting Nation States?


The Emperor of Comstockia

Delta Vega Iv, Zukchiva

Comstockia wrote:Dear citizens of Refugia,

Does anyone have any useful advice for someone starting Nation States?


The Emperor of Comstockia

I'll give you my 2-cents' worth.

Answer issues. Try to form a vision of how you'd like your nation to look like and try to match your answer for each issue with that agenda.

Don't despair when (note I don't say "if," but "when." It's gonna happen) don't despair when you think your answer will do good, and it turns out a disaster. Every mistake you make with your issue-answering is correctable, given enough time.

Try not to "dismiss" issues, take it as a challenge to find the least-bad option among the available ones. However, define your own "red lines," and in the rare occasions where none of the available options is palatable, don't hesitate to dismiss.

This is just a game, and there is no single way to "win." Have fun, be nice to others and enjoy your stay here.

Zukchiva, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta, Polushia, Vandarium, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Can everyone please endorse me? I am trying to grow my empire as much as I can. Thank you so much for your support!

The best way to get everyone to endorse you is to endorse them :) most people will endorse someone back when they're endorsed by that person.

Delta Vega Iv, Zukchiva, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta, Polushia, Azelandia

Comstockia wrote:Can everyone please endorse me? I am trying to grow my empire as much as I can. Thank you so much for your support!

To follow on from Sylh Alanor, this website is extremely helpful for finding people you've missed out on endorsing:


I was wondering what the point of cards were. Should I just sell them? And what can I use the money for?


Comstockia wrote:I was wondering what the point of cards were. Should I just sell them? And what can I use the money for?

You can collect them, sell them for bank, or junk them. Bank can be used to buy other cards. Check out this dispatch if you want a super thorough explanation.


Comstockia wrote:I was wondering what the point of cards were. Should I just sell them? And what can I use the money for?

This cards don't have a real motive, they are just for fun and collecting. You can make collections of cards of whatever you want. The money you use to buy more cards to your collections and expand the space for you to own more cards. I think it's just that, someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta

Thank you for the info about the cards. I was also wondering when my population would grow from 5 million, as I saw lots of you had billions of people.

Araine, Tiralta, Polushia

Comstockia wrote:Thank you for the info about the cards. I was also wondering when my population would grow from 5 million, as I saw lots of you had billions of people.

Yes! Populations grow passively, so the longer you play the game, the bigger your population will get.

Floofybit, Tiralta

After about a billion variations, we've finally decided on a flag... I think.

Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Aephony, Polushia, F4N 4Rt, Talmon

Aumbura wrote:After about a billion variations, we've finally decided on a flag... I think.

It looks great!

Floofybit, Tovenia, Aumbura

Araine wrote:It looks great!

Thank you!

Floofybit, Tovenia

I just made a decision thinking it would make my economy better, but instead of that both my economy and my civil rights went down. Perfect

Araine, Floofybit

Help how do i get my pizza stocks back up?

When you answer a issue, it will effect your ex. Enviorment, safety, crime, etc.

Sylh Alanor, Tiralta

How do i get influence

Sylh Alanor

By getting people to endorse you. But you need to enter an email, so I would create a non-school account via google.

Sylh Alanor

Polushia wrote:Eh... I tried `\(*-*)/` 😅

You did try but a ton of people memorized the link.

Floofybit, Tiralta, Polushia

Thenuhj wrote:You did try but a ton of people memorized the link.

So did I... the problem now is the Qr codes. Those are harder to memorize.


Sussy Men wrote:How do i get influence

You generate one influence point for every update (so two points per day). You get an extra point per update for every person endorsing you (requires you to register for the World Assembly). If you want endorsements, the best way to get them is to endorse other people ^-^

Chacapoya, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta

hi-diddly-ho neighborinos


Is a cheesecake a cake or a pie

Dyllonia, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit

Lethodus wrote:Is a cheesecake a cake or a pie

It's quite literally called a cheesecake

Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Polushia

Lethodus wrote:Is a cheesecake a cake or a pie

Pie, it’s more fun :>

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit

It has more in common with a pie than a cake tho.

Dyllonia, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit

Lethodus wrote:Is a cheesecake a cake or a pie

It's a block of cheese.

Dyllonia, Floofybit, Tiralta, Polushia

Who wants to share a border? I’m currently working on a map, just of Talmon and the bordering nations


Talmon wrote:Who wants to share a border? I’m currently working on a map, just of Talmon and the bordering nations

Make me be on northwest.

Can I be on the north east?


Can I be from the Northeast part of the island straight down to the Southeast.

Comstockia wrote:Can I be on the north east?

We would be neighbors. That would be nice

Could I be from nekurasah to fuerux

Comstockia wrote:Could I be from nekurasah to fuerux

Wait you are talking about the official Refugia map?

Comstockia wrote:Yes

Ok if you want to be in the Refugia official map you need to be in Refugia for at least 2 weeks (if I am correct) and you need to be a member of the WA. Then you need to fill an questionary and sent it to Sylh Alanor. Then you wait for the next map uptade

Floofybit, Tiralta

Ok. When do the maps usually update?


Comstockia wrote:Yes

And this is what says for you to make the questionary

Nations may only apply for a placement on the map if they are a Member State.

Describe nation size as clearly as possible, including borders and map landmarks.

Nation size will be considered relative to its time residing in the region, with some considerations made for nations with large populations. New nations will be expected to start small.

Nations that Cease to Exist will be removed from the map.

Nations may expand over time with growth.

Capital and Religion can be included even if your nation population hasn't unlocked those options yet.

Capital Location can be left blank if you don't care to specify.

Colour can be listed as a colour or hex code.


Comstockia wrote:Ok. When do the maps usually update?

Yea... about that I have no ideia. I am waitting for about a month for Sylh Alanor put me in the map. But basicly I think it's when Sylh is able to. I don't know much about that part of the process. `\(*-*)/`.

All I know is what I sent to you and what I did and I am waitting for Sylh to put me.

Just because it's a good oportunity, Sylh Alanor I think you are not receiving my telegrams. But if you are that's nice

Hello friends! The long awaited nation of Website, promised by Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, is here!

Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Haibaria, Tiralta

Polushia Comstockia

For the map you have to be in Refugia for a week and be a member of the World Assembly, you then send a telegram to Sylh Alanor using the template on the map factbook

iirc the map is updated as and when Sylh has time irl rather than on a strict schedule - we've a lot of people who work and/or have school deadlines so NS kind of fits in around that.

Another fun thing to do is join the Refugia discord (link for that is in the region bio) and get to know more people if that's your thing. :)

Website wrote:Hello friends! The long awaited nation of Website, promised by Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, is here!


Araine, Floofybit, Polushia, Website

Tiralta wrote:Polushia Comstockia

For the map you have to be in Refugia for a week and be a member of the World Assembly, you then send a telegram to Sylh Alanor using the template on the map dispatch

The map is updated as and when Sylh has time irl rather than on a strict schedule - we've a lot of people who work and/or have school deadlines so NS kind of fits in around that.

Another fun thing to do is join the Refugia discord (link for that is in the region bio) and get to know more people if that's your thing. :)


Thanks of the correction/explination


Comstockia wrote:Ok. When do the maps usually update?

Because of the massive work it takes to process all the map changes, Em and I usually get together once a month when we both have time and go through all the changes, image generation, list changes and corrections etc. A lot of people turn in requests, and we also have to check for people who have abandoned the region and take them out.

The two of can get pretty busy, but I'd say there's a good chance of an update within a week. Tag us in a few days and remind me if I haven't started working on it by then.

Chacapoya, Dyllonia, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tovenia, Tiralta, Polushia, Talmon, Comstockia

I was wondering what the embassies were and I was wondering if I could be a ambassador to a region because there are so many regions and only so many members of the Refuge.


Comstockia wrote:I was wondering what the embassies were and I was wondering if I could be a ambassador to a region because there are so many regions and only so many members of the Refuge.

Embassies are a way to connect with other regions. Nations from regions that have an embassy with us can post on our rmb (and we can post on theirs), so embassies are a great place to get to know other nations outside of Refugia. Other regions also sometimes have events that we can participate in. Refugi are generally pretty picky about who we build embassies with, so only likeminded regions have an embassy with us.

We do have envoys to other regions, but it’s probably better to get to know Refugia a bit before becoming an envoy.

New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tiralta, Polushia, Comstockia

I don't want to step on WAA's toes, but I was eyeballing the next GA proposal - Access to Scientific Knowledge - and it looks kind of bad? Curious to get some other thoughts on this.

For one, I think defining "sciences" is unnecessary and not super well thought out. "[T]he academic study of natural phenomena and processes, social functions and relationships, and thought about those categories" might sound comprehensive at a glance, but I think it leaves a lot of wiggle room. What about the study of unnatural things, like behaviours of manmade devices? What is natural? Can it be argued that some phenomena are unnatural from a theological perspective and thus exempt? Then there's point 3, which is strange because it mandates the submission of scientific data to the CSD - which, if it's necessary to exist, should probably be under WASP - but doesn't clearly define the terms for this, whether it's all data or all published data or a quota, what would happen if a nation had no research program, etc.

Then you have section 5, which appears to contain a contradiction: sections 3 and 4 allow for an exemption on the submission of data which "is classified for the purposes of national security, defense, or represents a proprietary trade secret." Section 5, however, has the CSD reviewing justifications for these omissions despite lacking access to the data on which they're supposed to rule. No clarification is made about what happens in the event that the member state's justification is deemed inadequate. I also think 6(a) is a big ask for an organization that's already tasked with processing and archiving all WA scientific data, to also have to conduct enough research to determine whether it's able to be replicated.

Chacapoya, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Minskievian Refugees, Tiralta, Polushia, Akiden

New flag, ahoy! Thoughts, anyone? :)

Chacapoya, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tiralta, Polushia

New Pi-Ramesses wrote:New flag, ahoy! Thoughts, anyone? :)

Looks great!!!

New Pi-Ramesses, Floofybit, Tiralta

Chacapoya wrote:Looks great!!!

Thank you! :D While I have yet to think of a historical backstory of my Nation, the current idea is that after the old Pi-Ramesses was destroyed, many of their people were captured and were turned into slaves. The new rulers of their lands forced them to run in order to make the desert more "flatter" in order to build and expand into new lands.

After a brutal and bloody civil war to overthrow them, the surviving royal family members of the Pi-Ramesses freed them and decreed that their new flag must remember those who have sacrificed and bled for their freedom. Once the new flag was in place, the royal family decided to step aside and let a new government take form in shape of the Ra Admiralty.

Chacapoya, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tiralta, Website

New Pi-Ramesses wrote:Thank you! :D While I have yet to think of a historical backstory of my Nation, the current idea is that after the old Pi-Ramesses was destroyed, many of their people were captured and were turned into slaves. The new rulers of their lands forced them to run in order to make the desert more "flatter" in order to build and expand into new lands.

After a brutal and bloody civil war to overthrow them, the surviving royal family members of the Pi-Ramesses freed them and decreed that their new flag must remember those who have sacrificed and bled for their freedom. Once the new flag was in place, the royal family decided to step aside and let a new government take form in shape of the Ra Admiralty.

Dang, that's hella cool!

New Pi-Ramesses, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta

Chacapoya wrote:Dang, that's hella cool!

Thanks again! :)


I don't why but it's really fun to read all the illegal Security Council and General Assembly proposals 😄

Chacapoya, Liphia, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta

It's been more then a month but i'm back!

Chacapoya, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tovenia, Tiralta, Polushia


Chacapoya, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit

Post self-deleted by Floofybit.

Vrine wrote:It's been more then a month but i'm back!

It's nice to see you again!


Goodnight friends <3

Chacapoya, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Tovenia

Dyllonia wrote:Goodnight friends <3

have a mighty goodnight kind sir or lady

Floofybit, Polushia

Polushia wrote:Well it apears that the internet has been placed under government control... am I becoming a dictator..? An environmentally friendly dictator?

Junitaki-Cho wrote:I don't want to step on WAA's toes, but I was eyeballing the next GA proposal - Access to Scientific Knowledge - and it looks kind of bad? Curious to get some other thoughts on this.

For one, I think defining "sciences" is unnecessary and not super well thought out. "[T]he academic study of natural phenomena and processes, social functions and relationships, and thought about those categories" might sound comprehensive at a glance, but I think it leaves a lot of wiggle room. What about the study of unnatural things, like behaviours of manmade devices? What is natural? Can it be argued that some phenomena are unnatural from a theological perspective and thus exempt? Then there's point 3, which is strange because it mandates the submission of scientific data to the CSD - which, if it's necessary to exist, should probably be under WASP - but doesn't clearly define the terms for this, whether it's all data or all published data or a quota, what would happen if a nation had no research program, etc.

Then you have section 5, which appears to contain a contradiction: sections 3 and 4 allow for an exemption on the submission of data which "is classified for the purposes of national security, defense, or represents a proprietary trade secret." Section 5, however, has the CSD reviewing justifications for these omissions despite lacking access to the data on which they're supposed to rule. No clarification is made about what happens in the event that the member state's justification is deemed inadequate. I also think 6(a) is a big ask for an organization that's already tasked with processing and archiving all WA scientific data, to also have to conduct enough research to determine whether it's able to be replicated.

You had me at unnatural. A scientific international database sounds good but it should be to members only. If you share technology, you gain technology from other countries. I also think the lango about the exemptions is weird.

Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho

Vandermeer wrote:have a mighty goodnight kind sir or lady

:0 some of us are enbies

Chacapoya, Lethodus, New Pi-Ramesses, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tiralta

Post self-deleted by Vandermeer.

Araine wrote::0 some of us are enbies

What do u say to a non binary. goodbye.... it, thing what? really im confused lol

Lower Gm wrote:What do u say to a non binary. goodbye.... it, thing what? really im confused lol

Just "goodbye" works for everyone. Or "goodbye friend/friends". Or if you're talking to a single person, maybe trying their name. Sir/ma'am are so antiquated and unnecessary and make some people uncomfortable, we can probably just do away with them.

Lethodus, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tiralta, Duneraven, New Fastoon

Are there "Issue Series"? Because I think I got one of the Serie "MADness". What are this series for?

Sylh Alanor

Polushia wrote:Are there "Issue Series"? Because I think I got one of the Serie "MADness". What are this series for?

Where are you seeing the ‘Issue Series”?


Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

Floofybit, Polushia, Taylaria, Azelandia, Akiden

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

United States, Virginia

Floofybit, Polushia, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

Portugal; Autonomous Region of the Azores

Comstockia wrote:Where are you seeing the ‘Issue Series”?

It's not in all issues It's only in one I got today, I don't know what it means. Maybe It's an easteregg? Or a special edition?

Floofybit, Azelandia, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

I live in Massachusetts

Floofybit, Polushia, Azelandia

Polushia wrote:Are there "Issue Series"? Because I think I got one of the Serie "MADness". What are this series for?

Just made some study about this and it appears that this is part of an "issue chain" much like an RPG, I will be getting new issue about this 'till I finish the chain. How many issue this chain has? No ideia. But the chain I got is only for players that have mass destruction weapons so yea. I am going to start this chain. This is cool.

Sylh Alanor, Floofybit

Polushia wrote:Just made some study about this and it appears that this is part of an "issue chain" much like an RPG, I will be getting new issue about this 'till I finish the chain. How many issue this chain has? No ideia. But the chain I got is only for players that have mass destruction weapons so yea. I am going to start this chain. This is cool.

And... just got the second from the chain

In the part 2 it appears that I have and secret agent called "James Bont". Nice


Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

I live in England now, but I was born and raised in Ireland.

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Aephony, Polushia, Akiden, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

United States, Florida

Floofybit, Aephony, Polushia, Azelandia, Comstockia

Tiralta wrote:I live in England now, but I was born and raised in Ireland.

oh sweet, i'm from ireland too and i'm still here

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Aephony, Tiralta, Polushia, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

Sweden, about an hour west from Stockholm. :)

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Aephony, Polushia, Comstockia, Porthosia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

Colorado (US)

But I move around pretty frequently. I’ll be living in the UK over the summer.

Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Aephony, Tiralta, Polushia, Comstockia, Porthosia

Hollandi wrote:United States, Florida

I’m from Texas 🥲 (for non usa people, Florida but drier and armadillos instead of gators, about as much gay rights I’d say, both got some hotspots but gov thinks we commies)

New Pi-Ramesses, Floofybit, Liphia, Aephony, Polushia, Azelandia, Comstockia, Porthosia

Sylh Alanor wrote:Just "goodbye" works for everyone. Or "goodbye friend/friends". Or if you're talking to a single person, maybe trying their name. Sir/ma'am are so antiquated and unnecessary and make some people uncomfortable, we can probably just do away with them.

I usually say y’all, unisex and classic

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Aephony, Tiralta, Comstockia, Porthosia

Porthosia wrote:oh sweet, i'm from ireland too and i'm still here

Dia duit a chara!

Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Liphia, Comstockia, Porthosia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

New Hampshire, United States

Floofybit, Polushia, Azelandia, Comstockia

Comstockia wrote:Would you guys like it if we did a daily icebreaker so we could get to know each other better?

Day 1

What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!


I thought of adding something special to this post but I honestly have no idea what to add. Just Egypt.

Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Polushia, Comstockia, Porthosia

Polushia wrote:Just made some study about this and it appears that this is part of an "issue chain" much like an RPG, I will be getting new issue about this 'till I finish the chain. How many issue this chain has? No ideia. But the chain I got is only for players that have mass destruction weapons so yea. I am going to start this chain. This is cool.

Yup! There are a few issue chains, but Madness is the longest at the moment. I don't remember how long it goes for but it's pretty significant. There are also a decent number of issues that have a follow up issue depending on the answer you give.

Comstockia wrote:What country do you live in?

(If you live in the US say what state do you live in)

Answer down below!

Canada. I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Aephony, Polushia, Comstockia, Porthosia

argues road lobbyist,

I thought I banned them and he made a good point and I hate that

Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.