Post Archive![Regional Flag of Refugia](Resources/refugia.png)
Region: Refugia
Yeah same. All of those, but mostly American history.
Same question for you then, lol
Melenavenia, Flohovistan
That summary is pretty accurate, in my AP World History class, we covered a summary of ancient Mesopotamia, major ancient Latin America civilizations, the ancient Nile civilizations, east Asia, the Mongol hoards, Rome, Greece, the fall of Rome, and early China in the first week just to "catch us up" to when the class's curriculum would start.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan
We're not having a test on it, thankfully. Just a newspaper project on early china, their governing system, and culture.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan
Wow, and that was the only real world history class? That sounds like a brain exploding week.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
At my school, we have A and B days, we go to 4 classes each day, so it was more like 1.5 weeks.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan
I mentioned before how Florida's "low cases" are still very high (at least 1.5K new cases reported a day) and yesterday (September 25th) it was announced by our governor that we'd be entering into Phase 3 reopening, which reopens bars, restaurants, and nightclubs to full capacity (and prohibits local government's from making any restrictions to capacity) as well as stopping local governments from fining citizens for not wearing a face covering.
The last time Florida entered into Phase 3 reopening we entered into a big surge and we've still not fully recovered from it.
Also, I see Canada is showing some very troubling signs in relation to new COVID-19 cases. Hopefully the Canadian government can stop what is happening in other countries right now (looking at Europe).
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I hope you can stay safe. Everywhere is gradually sliding toward reopening and normalcy and it's going to kill a lot of people.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I'm sorry to hear about how things are going there :c I know it's too much to hope for, but I really do hope that some of these governors and officials ignoring safety and allowing people to die will eventually be held accountable.
Canada is definitely ramping into a second wave (mostly Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, but it's happening in BC as well). I'm hoping, now that the government wasn't voted down, the Liberals and NDP can work together on helping people and keeping cases as low as possible. There's only so much the federal government can do, unfortunately, when Ontario and Alberta are being run by hyper-conservative governments, but they can work on social programs at least.
I'm hoping that the BC election can go smoothly and the (most likely) majority NDP government will actually start making big moves to cut cases in the province. I wouldn't complain about a mask mandate personally, fortunately a lot of stores here are requiring them to enter. But yeah... it's not looking great going into autumn.
Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hi everyone, I just wanted to know why people in the WA voted against the new resolution to condemn LKE ?
I'm not very familiar with diplomatic stuff like this but the guy did not seem very nice when I read the description of his action so why everyone in the region voted against it
I just want to know enough to make the right choice, thanks.
Refuge Isle, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I'm in 10th place for most influential in Refugia...
Nadezka, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris
The last time we went started reopening a bunch we went from 2.5K confirmed deaths at the start of June to what we have now, 14K confirmed deaths as of today.
I will say I have much better confidence that places such as Canada will be able to reverse the trends because they did it before. Countries like Canada have been playing a balancing game between keeping cases and deaths low while not smothering out their economy, but even though it seems to be an almost impossible balancing game, Canada has a much better starting place than for example, the USA or India, as they reopen because Canada actually did flatten the curve for the most part before heading into reopening phases. Things will undoubtedly get worse there but I would think it will not get as bad as in other places. Countries, including Canada, need to realize however that as soon as worrying trends start to appear that little to no action will allow that worrying trend to become a dominant trend. Starting to roll back when the cases are already looking like another "wave" is too late.Sylh Alanor, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I missed the part where our governor said he would seek a bill to protect students from universities suspending them for holding irresponsible parties amid the pandemic in his state.
Sylh Alanor, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
To be clear, we're voting on condemning a region, not any player in particular. I'll do my best, but I don't know how much of it will make sense.
There's a number of people and influential regions that are voting for or against this resolution on ideological or foreign affairs grounds. TSP and XKI would like to vote for because it's a condemnation of a raiding org (albeit "imperialist") that the said raiding org does not want. This is different from my resolution that just passed, which was intended to be a career capstone. LKE, the target, does not wish to be condemned because they do not view their actions as being IC condemnable.
For what it's worth, I am happy to vote against it on the grounds that I really just don't like the way it's constructed. I don't think that laundry lists of participation for the sheer numbers are convincing, I like resolutions that tell stories and explained why something mattered. The resolution spends a good deal of time talking about all of the places that their people have piled (stacked endorsements in a raided region to help accrue influence), but it's presented as though LKE organised the invasion itself - that's misleading and their actual role was much smaller. The resolution is also filled with a variety of other inaccuracies, such as how Argartha got mentioned as an LKE invasion when, indeed, there is no record of that region ever having more than two people in it.
So, to sum up: Outside of blindly voting on ideological grounds, the poor writing quality, flawed arguments, and numerous inaccuracies leave very little left to argue that there should be anything other than an against vote.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Michelland, Flohovistan
Ok, thanks for answering me !
Btw cool new flag and new name
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I disappear for a few days and come back to an invitation to join the nuclear apocalypse...ironic since I just did an issue that removed my nation's WMD.
Is it worth taking part in?
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
If you want to, we're pretty neck-deep in it at the moment :P our faction (Ba Sing Se) is listed at the top, and you can join as a member of Refugia. There's also a discord, just ping me (Artemis) and I can get you masked once you're in.
It's just a site event that'll be happening for the next 21 hours or so if you want to join in. No pressure though.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I'm just observing this N-Day. I'll definitely consider participating next time. I hope though that Ba Sing Se and Augustin Alliance are 1st and 2nd though by the end!
Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
We're certainly doing our best ^-^
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Bikini Bottom's faction name amuses me. I feel like I've for some reason heard of "nuclear war in Bikini Bottom" before and it reminds me of this ridiculous yet amusing idea.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
That was a very close top 3! At least the 2nd place finisher, An Alliance of Potatoes, has a very amusing name as well. Also considering how many nukes were launched, and how many of those that were aimed at Ba Sing Se, I think you all did wonderfully!
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hi who do I send the map application to?
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Sylh Alanor, but you have to be a WA member
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Austraniple
Oh, this is a puppet and I don't want to get rid of my WA membership on my main account. Uhhhh
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I'm really happy with how we did on N-Day. Luca was amazing and is the reason Ba Sing Se ended with zero radiation. We'll see how badly her health is affected by staying up so late though D:<
It's basically like Michelland said, you can send your map application to me when you want, but we'll just hold off until you're a member state (WA + in the region for a week) before adding you to it. It's nice to have you here :)
Edit: since you got another post in:
That's okay, you're always welcome here even if you're just a resident. The only perks you'll be missing out on are being on the map and running for regional office, but chatting with all of us is always open.
Refuge Isle, Dc Kurdistan, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Austraniple
So I've had an idea for dual citizenship. I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on this, so I'm posting it both here and in the discord server (hey everyone, join the discord server!)
What if people who have their main nations in our embassy regions (meaning they're citizens/WA members in that region) were able to become dual citizens in Refugia? They'd still have to have a nation residing in Refugia, but if they can verify a main in one of those embassy regions, they could become a little higher up than just a resident. I'm thinking they could vote on official things and have opinions heard on government directions here. Member states would still have exclusive rights to run for office and hold office.
What I'm not sure of, and this is where I want feedback, is should they be allowed to be on the map? I originally thought no, because we only have so much space, but a lot of our member states either don't ask to be on the map or only take a tiny tiny piece, so maybe it'd be okay? I'm also trying to think up other incentives, since this would be a fun way to get people from other regions to interact with Refugia more and post on our RMB, which could be a lot of fun.
Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Michelland, Flohovistan, Austraniple
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hey :)
Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Yes, they should be allowed on the map. I support that, and I think the map is really empty.
I also think nations with more than 3 months' residency that are not part of the WA should be able to go on the map.
Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris
Welcome to Refugia. If you want to get on the map, join the World Assembly.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
Melenavenia is one of the councillors of this region.
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I don't think that people who just afk in the region should necessarily get to be on the map :P we only have so much space, in the end, and we're getting new member states here and there. I'd prefer them to have priority on the map since they're really getting involved, you know? Just giving out map access to everyone gets us a bit overfilled, I would think.
Hi! Welcome to Refugia :) if you have any questions about Nationstates or the region, feel free to let us know, on here or in the discord chat. Someone's almost always around ^-^
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I'm not talking about AFK nations, I think only active nations that comment and like on the RMB should be able to be on the map. And only really high influence nations.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
I don't know that we have anyone who comments on the RMB who isn't also a member state, but I totally see where you're coming from. If people are really active here and aren't present in any other regions already, I hope they'd be willing to join the WA and help our region become more influential through endorsing.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Yeah. Many people probably want to join the WA, but can't or won't for various reasons.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
Like what? Just curious, since I can't really think of a good reason other than them already having a World Assembly nation in another region (meaning they already have citizenship somewhere else) or being banned from the WA for multi-ing or doing something else shady.
Of course, we're still at a point where everyone who chats here regularly is already in the WA, so we wouldn't have to worry about working around long-term residency. Certainly I think we could take it on a case-by-case basis where, if someone who isn't a member state is a huge part of our RMB or does some really cool events with the region, we could make exceptions. But I wouldn't make it a "get to this much time in the region and then you're automatically able to be on the map" thing.
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Yes, that was what I was thinking. Good point.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
Forgot to log on >.>
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hey everyone, I've got a few amendment ideas coming down the line, but I thought I'd start off pretty easy. Luca and I were discussing how Ops Councillor doesn't have much to do for two of the three terms per year, and then two major events in the last one. So I thought maybe it'd be nice to offset the terms and shuffle the election order so that the Ops Councillor gets elected in the first week of October. This way, one can end their term overseeing N-Day operations, and the next one can have a couple weeks to settle in before Z-Day at the end of October.
As usual, I'm just looking for any member state to give me a second on this amendment proposal, and then we can put it up for a vote :)
For the record, if this passes and new elections are called immediately after its passage, any current Councillor looking to move into a different position would not have their current term (of one month) counted against their consecutive term limit.
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
Thanks so much ^-^ with that second, I've passed it along to get a referendum posted up.
In other news, I want to start welcoming again regularly. Soooo over the past day or so, welcome to Dinesbare, Sicalco, and Randomchances! If you have any questions about Refugia or Nationstates as a whole, feel free to ask, everyone here is super friendly. Also if you want to get more involved in the region, feel free to sign up for the World Assembly and become a member state, which will allow you to get on the regional map and vote on regional referendums (like the one coming up!).
Also welcome back to Narwhal! We missed you a lot and it's so nice to have you back <3
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Sicalco
Hello all,
I've received a referendum request to amend the RRS, which satisfies all the requirements of doing so. As a result, a vote has been activated and it shall conclude in seven days' time.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Also welcome Feu De Glace, you seem so familiar! Lol
Feu De Glace, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Akkana, Flohovistan
Oh look, it's me!
Feu De Glace, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Is that me? I think that might be me... Hmmmm
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
My hero~ <3
Feu De Glace, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Welcome, Binjpipe!
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
waves waves waves
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Welcome Zuniann to Refugia :) if you have any questions, please let us know! Everyone here is really nice, so they'll be happy to help out. Also, if you're interested in becoming a member nation (which allows you to get on our regional map and to vote in our referendums), you can register for the WA and, after seven days, you'll be set!
Also welcome back Dyddenia, it's been a while and I'm happy to see you return <3
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria, Floofybit, Zuniann
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria, Floofybit
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan, Teinazheria, Floofybit
Welcome Norhigh, Teinazheria, and Product Of Mind 8! If you have any questions about Refugia or NationStates, please let us know, everyone here is super nice. Also if you don't have another nation in the World Assembly already, please consider joining it and becoming a member state. This will let you vote in our elections and be placed on our map!
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
My favourite human offspring!
Welcome back to this existence
All the cool people are coming to Refugia, we're going to need more cake. Which reminds me, everyone say happy birthday to Sylh Alanor :3
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Hello everyone. Glad to be here
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Hello All!
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
It's great to have both of you here ^-^
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Wow we got like 10 new people in the last two days...
Oh and my civil rights are at an all-time high.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Teinazheria
hi yall!
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Welcome to Refugia.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Teinazheria, Pedesko
Happy birthday Sylh Alanor. :)
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Flohovistan, Teinazheria
Attention to all member states! It looks like the current amendment proposal will pass, which means elections will begin this month. Take a look at the descriptions for the council positions of Foreign Affairs, Culture, Operations, and Interior and let us know if you'd like to stand for those elections. If you're ready ahead of time, it makes it a lot easier to get in during those two-day candidacy periods ^-^
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Floofybit
Hi everyone!! Also happy birthday Sylh Alanor !
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Teinazheria, Pedesko
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Sunniside
Hello treasured friendos, I'm going to be doing a little card lottery.
Anyone who is endorsing Sylh Alanor by the 10th of this month (at approximately whatever time I wake up and poke the membership bot) will be entered into a drawing to win an S2 Xoriet ( For those unaware, this is a card which is worth enough on its own to give your nation a top 1% badge in international artwork, and which may increase your own nation's rarity by the time the snapshot arrives.
All you need to do is join the World Assembly: ( and endorse our treasured delegate, strengthening our top notch status and reputation.
Good luck!
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Welcome Fulleristan, Duwiau, Boolie Town, Jaaaason, Sunniside, and Entername to Refugia! If any of you have questions about how Refugia or Nationstates works, please let us know ^-^
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Happy belated Birthday!Sylh Alanor
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Flohovistan
"Community-designed sword prostheses are becoming dangerously common."As long as they have sheaths, I don't see a problem with it. Plus the swords are 3-D printed by normal citizens, it's unlikely that they're sharp or could be sharpened in the future.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Flohovistan, Boolie Town
Arms are truly the best arms.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
It brings a whole new meaning to the joke where someone holds a prosthetic arm and says "I'm armed and dangerous"
wait it's like a gun sword, completely unnecessary and unusable for either of the two merged items original purposes. The only benefit for sword-arms and gun-swords is looking cool.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan
Good for impromptu sword fights!
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Pedesko
Welcome Deltina! If you have any questions about Refugia or NationStates, please let us know, everyone here is super nice. Also if you don't have another nation in the World Assembly already, please consider joining it and becoming a member state. This will let you vote in our elections and be placed on our map!
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hello everyone, sorry about the double post. I've been in contact with The Leftist Assembly and they're interested in re-establishing our embassy. Read my full statement below.
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Nadezka, Dc Kurdistan, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
I agree.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Pedesko
In place of welcoming new people today, as we don't have any, I'm going to let everyone know October and maybe November (depending on elections) will have a decent number of amendment ideas coming in. Just a heads up, lol.
Refuge Isle, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Boolie Town
Ah, my mind-control beam seemed to turn off.
No worries, I've applied skin clenser to my temples and am ready to start the psyonic bombardment once again.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Boolie Town, Pedesko
So rude how often suppressing political thought will reduce my nation's civil rights.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Pedesko
It's taken me a while to get my head around some of the less obvious elements to how NS measures civil rights, but I think I've finally understood.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Pedesko
There's hope for me yet!
Any good tips btw?
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
My best strategy has been going for things that obviously lower government control over individuals' choices on things (including regulating businesses, which is a hit to my civil rights I'm just having to accept). It doesn't always work, but I haven't had nearly as big "oops" moments since I started making the change.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan, Pedesko
Theyll have pry my iron grip on industry out of my dead damned hands.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
In celebration of my ability to read text on the computer screen, I employ the rightous and totally rad as heck powers of RRS. 9(a) to fill the Councillor of Operations, referendum and upcoming change to the election schedule would make a replacement otherwise improbably.
Chacapoya will be returning to the Council position effective at this time. Hooray!
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Uwusberg, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
In my attempts to improve my civil rights I'm afraid the Melenanesian version of Alex Jones or possibly worse, have free reign to spread their propaganda in my country to my nation's people. While I don't like it I value freedom of speech and I know that what I view as a terrible or bad opinion shouldn't be blocked by the government. I leave it to the people to stop them. That however can backfire.
Well it might if this was more realistic but since we control our governments like an iron fist dictator even if we boast high democratic and civil values so that should be of no worry.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Elenaraghaenaris, Michelland, Flohovistan
Welcome to Refugia, Sidoneia But Spelled Right! If you have any questions about Refugia or NationStates, please let us know, everyone here is super nice. Also if you don't have another nation in the World Assembly already, please consider joining it and becoming a member state. This will let you vote in our elections and be placed on our map.
Also if you're so inclined, join our discord, linked at the top of the page ^-^
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
The map files have been updated for the regional stuffs. You will now be able to find the new member state Calirdels.
Use ctrl+F5 in order to view changes if you have an old cached version in your browser. Additionally, I've spent a bit of time this evening changing several portions of the previod map style. If anyone finds that their country displays incorrectly under the new style, kindly drop a note somewhere.
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Is Ath still around? I see their name on the map.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
The slight change you made to the borders of the map really improves the visibility of the nations! I'd honestly been considering asking for my color to be changed since it didn't show up very well but now I see no reason to.
Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
If nations cease to exist they'll be removed from the map so I assume they are!
Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Yeah, the map looks a heck of a lot better now.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris
Post self-deleted by Elenaraghaenaris.
I finally took Chacapoya's place as the largest military in the region. I was going to go for first in law enforcement next, but they have nearly double my law enforcement, so that isn't happening soon lol
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Flohovistan
Not at the moment, unfortunately, but they have been refounding every month or two, which is good enough for me, given all the history. Maybe next time will work out better since we're all being active again and such
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
A little reminder for everyone to get in the running for a legendary card in the next few days ^-^
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Hello Refugia
Your thought for the day, are teeth bio weapons, yes or no?
Explain your reasoning.
Sylh Alanor, Nadezka, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Yes, for if I need to bite, I can bite. And if I do not need to bite, I will not bite. For this reason, they are bio weapons :D
Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Bite-oweapons XD
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Flohovistan
Post self-deleted by Chacapoya.
Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.