Post Archive
Region: Refugia
Welcome, Keadyvania, Akajytalgoa, Emitater, Palekia, and The Star Enpire, to Refugia! I hope you all enjoy your stays. If it applies to you, please pay attention to the rest of this message.
Refugia aims to be a friendly, laid-back community, which is open to players of all skill levels. Nations who wish to become more active in the region, however, should consider joining the World Assembly (WA). WA nations are able to vote on international law, and receive exclusive benefits within the region, such as the ability to vote in regional polls and elections, get a spot on Refugia's map, and even run for office when elections come up! If you're interested in joining the WA, check out this article, and make sure to endorse our delegate.
If you'd rather just chill with us, that's perfectly fine as well. We have an offsite forum, as well as frequent discussions on the regional message board (RMB), which everyone is welcome to participate in!
If you have any additional questions about the region or how NationStates works, feel free to leave them here, on the RMB. If you're interested in joining our offsite forum, look for the link at the top of Refugia's World Factbook Entry (the big text box at the top of our regional page).
Once again, I really hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia
It's raining here! I don't know why, but rain makes me happy.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Silvedania, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea, Kariforunia
Rain is cool.
I mean cool in both of its meanings.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea, Kariforunia
Rain smell best smell
Chacapoya, Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea, Kariforunia
Rain is the best weather, absolutely :)
Humansanity, Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea, Kariforunia
You are 100% right. Rain is a great smell. Rain in general is fantastic. Especially when the rain season starts. So peaceful.
Humansanity, Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea
I love rain!Especially the smell of wet soil.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Blueea, Kariforunia
I don't like rain when it rains on dogs. Wet dog smell is not pleasant.
Lethodus, Typica, Refuge Isle, Free Las Pinas, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I actually don't mind the smell of wet dog. To me it's just a dog smell, and I like dogs a lot more than I dislike their smells.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Silvedania, Free Las Pinas, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
I found a option in a issue that did nothing!
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Silvedania, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
Petrichor is nice, it almost smells magical. The only instance I can think of when rain doesn't smell nice is when you're near a dogwood tree. They smell like someone smashed several bottles of unwashed wet dog perfume, and the rain makes that smell even stronger.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Hi all,
Commend The Atlae Isles will be coming to vote shortly. I am personally in favor of this Commendation. The commend is well written, Atlae is very deserving, and both the author and the nominee are active in our regional community, which for me is enough to support. I won't be able to get the recommendation out before the vote in all likelihood, but I'm open to input for how I ultimately do write it.
Chacapoya, Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I think I ts more unpleasant when my dog prances out into the rain, stands in front of me and shakes it off, then goes back into the rain and does it all again.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Araine, Kariforunia
Lol, mine too-- I have a 9mo old puppy and he thinks it's funny to go literally roll in puddles and then shake the water off on me, or come inside and jump on my bed and roll around on it. Sometimes I think he just wants to spite me lmao.
Lethodus, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Free Las Pinas, Emojitheft, Valdonland, Kariforunia
Hi all!
A new proposal has been submitted to Commend Honeydewistania. You can find the proposal here:
Honeydewistania is an accomplished WA author and a long-standing contributor to NationStates' anti-fascist militaries and regions. The bulk of the proposal is devoted to listing and categorizing the WA resolutions that Honeydew has passed, focusing on new legislation, repeals, and co-authorship. While the volume of work is undeniable, there are some who express frustration with some of the quality and purpose of Honeydew's past proposals and think commending for these would not be appropriate despite how numerous they are.
I'm currently planning to not issue a recommendation on this proposal. There's a set of arguments going each way that I can detail in the proposal, and I don't see those arguments as being so lopsided one way or the other that I think I can issue a clear and unambiguous recommendation. I will still put together a write up explaining the arguments.
Typica, Narwhal, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia
I made my first proposal it is security council!
Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I've written a no recommendation Information for Voters on Commend Honeydewistania
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
This is a very well written informational dispatch, thank you for making it.
Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
If a commendation is supposed to be a capstone for someone's career, it or the nominee should inspire in people more than a shrug. The lack of enthusiasm about this speaks more to me than the text of the commendation is attempting to. As it would be a waste for me to abstain, I will be voting against.
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Hello my friends! I hope you all are doing well! I'm excited to present to you XKI's March Update Report, courtesy of our new BCN Senator Porflox! Give it a read and I hope you enjoy!
Humansanity, Chacapoya, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
me a puppet?pfft ridiculous would a puppet have a map?
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I'm convinced.
Humansanity, Chacapoya, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Surely Not A Puppet
Who are you tho O.o
Humansanity, Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Hi! I'm Sylh Alanor
Humansanity, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Kariforunia
Oh okay.
Humansanity, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I'm Melenavenia from NationStates, the free online browser nation simulator game.
Humansanity, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Im tired
Narwhal, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Refugia, I have a question. If you have your arm cut off and replaced with a bionic prosthetic, are you a cyborg?
In this nine thousand paragraph essay, I wil-
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
I should mention, since it's at vote, that I'm in favour of the current GA repeal regarding voting rights of prisoners. Basically, the existing legislation reserves the right for nations to bar inmates from voting, and the repeal wants that off the books so we can have something that protects that right. It's barebones but pretty straightforward, and there's a decent chance a replacement will pass if it's well done. Not a lot more to say about it.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Kariforunia, Fracoda
It's gotta be atleast 15% of your body mass bionic for you to quality as a cyborg
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Certainly in the thread, there's a lot less interest in the replacement than there is for the repeal. That being said, I feel there is almost always more interest in a repeal than the replacement, so that's nothing new and definitely doesn't limit the possibility of the replacement going through.
My vote is based off my personal thought that, if you're in a democratic system, it's important to make sure every citizen has the ability to vote. I also couldn't accept any argument in favour of blanket banning incarcerated people from voting, given how unfairly it skews toward minorities and other unprivileged groups. If we all agree that prison feeds heavily into a system of institutionalised racism and classism, then denying people who are in that system the right to vote is inherently disenfranchising people who are already at a massive disadvantage in society. It's a pretty simple moral argument in my eyes.
Anyway, voted for.
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Welcome, Pasutmija, Cracked Fire, Tzumik, People Who Have Wings For Some Reason, Toonn, Kabakwa, Pierresval, Surely Not A Puppet, and Grij, to Refugia! I hope you all enjoy your stays. If it applies to you, please pay attention to the rest of this message.
Refugia aims to be a friendly, laid-back community, which is open to players of all skill levels. Nations who wish to become more active in the region, however, should consider joining the World Assembly (WA). WA nations are able to vote on international law, and receive exclusive benefits within the region, such as the ability to vote in regional polls and elections, get a spot on Refugia's map, and even run for office when elections come up! If you're interested in joining the WA, check out this article, and make sure to endorse our delegate.
If you'd rather just chill with us, that's perfectly fine as well. We have an offsite forum, as well as frequent discussions on the regional message board (RMB), which everyone is welcome to participate in!
If you have any additional questions about the region or how NationStates works, feel free to leave them here, on the RMB. If you're interested in joining our offsite forum, look for the link at the top of Refugia's World Factbook Entry (the big text box at the top of our regional page).
Once again, I really hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Dyllonia, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Koayo, Surely Not A Puppet
*distribute free cookies*
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia, Koayo, Shipping Fan
yes yes thanks for the warm welcome
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Koayo
Good Morning Refugia!
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia, Fracoda
Good morning! How are you doing today?
Lower French Gregballs, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Welcome, Gausea, Tlaria, New Lai Paradise, Refugian New Arathi, and Pai Sho Lo, to Refugia! I hope you all enjoy your stays. If it applies to you, please pay attention to the rest of this message.
Refugia aims to be a friendly, laid-back community, which is open to players of all skill levels. Nations who wish to become more active in the region, however, should consider joining the World Assembly (WA). WA nations are able to vote on international law, and receive exclusive benefits within the region, such as the ability to vote in regional polls and elections, get a spot on Refugia's map, and even run for office when elections come up! If you're interested in joining the WA, check out this article, and make sure to endorse our delegate.
If you'd rather just chill with us, that's perfectly fine as well. We have an offsite forum, as well as frequent discussions on the regional message board (RMB), which everyone is welcome to participate in!
If you have any additional questions about the region or how NationStates works, feel free to leave them here, on the RMB. If you're interested in joining our offsite forum, look for the link at the top of Refugia's World Factbook Entry (the big text box at the top of our regional page).
Once again, I really hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Vystrania, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia, Koayo
I find it somewhat amusing that one of the people in the top 10 for the region in Weather has "fire" in their motto.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia
Doing great. Looking forward towards tomorrow, when I'll be joining some friends for a short pilgrimmage trip. And you?
Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia
For the best weather, trogdor recommends burninating the countryside.
Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
The bottom clause (1b) of the Freedom of Association resolution sounds like any government can label groups "threat to national security", but is that a reason to vote against it at the WA? Opinions?
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Free Las Pinas Ii, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I personally just think that based on its laws any nation can declare a certain group a threat to national security and ban it, so it seems a bit useless.
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Free Las Pinas Ii, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
The most extreme person in Refugia has the most extreme name :)
Refuge Isle, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Yeah, I'm concerned why the author felt the need to make a majority of the text state that people can still do criminal acts and be arrested for those criminal acts even if they're part of a group. I don't know of any group where associating with it negates existing law.
Regardless, the proposal doesn't seem to give any protections to the types of groups who would need a law like this, which would be minority political groups who are speaking out against the government. It seems like all this does is give governments the authority to declare those minority political groups national security threats.
I voted against because it feels like this proposal is more acting in the interest of governments that would stifle freedom of association than protecting it.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Free Las Pinas Ii, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
Yes, that's my thinking. What I posted in TSP was this:
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Free Las Pinas Ii, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
I may be underthinking the resolution at vote, but criminalising membership of terrorist or neo-Nazi groups, death cults or crime syndicates isn't an outlandish idea. If WA law is to allow governments to do that can it be achieved in a less intrusive way than clause 1b?
I don't agree that a government can label whatever it doesn't like as a threat to national security. There are other resolutions on compliance, and redress for noncompliance, that would allow a banned group to get independent adjudication on whether it could reasonably be said to actively undermine national security.
Sorry for butting in. I do have a nation here (Boscolia) but it seemed better to say this from my more recognisable WA account.
Lower French Gregballs, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
No one has suggested such a thing. The concept is not about whether neo-Nazis should be criminalised, but what neutral third parties could be exploited by careless drafting of text in a one-track mind. World Assembly resolutions should not be written directed at nations that have their citizens' best interest at heart, but directed at those who do not. Else such a law would not be needed in the first place.
Relevant texts that I'm aware of are related ensuring member compliance, but the concerns I have regard nations who act in compliance with this resolution.
Presume you have a group, which is for all intents and purposes considered to be a peaceful political organisation, but it critical of the government and founded on bringing about a political revolution. As the text of the exception clause says "toward a specific group", any collection of beings which can be isolated and defined will satisfy this description. What prevents the government from saying that the group is spreading (or intends to spread) a message of hate against them and criminalise their dissent. What prevents a government from clamping down on a group that's critical of anything?
We're very far away from banning neo-Nazis in this scenario. As with other short resolutions, where scant text is not bullet-proof, it can be riddled with holes.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Uan Aa Boa, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
Greetings all nations of Refugia.
Chacapoya, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Tovenia, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia, Inaros Opa
Sorry, I should have gotten something out before this went to vote. The issue here comes from the breadth of the mandate. A grassroots anti-leadership movement like Antifa could easily be characterized as a national security threat because of its interest in disruption. A political faction could be outlawed if some of its members use fiery rhetoric to refer to an opposing side. There's really no reason this needed to be here at all, since the default assumption is that members of an organization will be culpable for criminal conduct they participate in as a part of that group.
Chacapoya, Lower French Gregballs, Uan Aa Boa, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
Welcome to Refugia!
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Parapollacis, Marienborg, Inaros Opa
Hey everyone... I'm new to this game, and this region looked nice. Any pointers?
Could anyone help me? I've no idea how this game works except for answering issues and factbooks.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, The Most Serene Republicans, Kariforunia, Marienborg
I recommend joining the World Assembly, which is on the left side of the page on both mobile and PC. The World Assembly is kind of like NationStates' United Nations but it is its own thing. For example, once you join the World Assembly you can endorse fellow region members and get endorsed back. You can also vote on different issues in the World Assembly. In fact, we've been debating on one of those issues very recently on the Regional Messaging Board (RMB)! But, doing what you're doing now (asking questions and speaking up on a region's RMB) is a great way to get started and to get more involved in things.
Refuge Isle, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Marienborg
You can also just chat around on the RMB, and you can even chat on the RMB of regions other than your own if your region has an embassy on them. Like I'm doing right now.
Which brings me to: Hi Refugi, haven't been here in a bit! How are things going?
Oh hi, nice seeing you here, I had no clue you had a nation in Refugia
Uan Aa Boa, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Welcome, The United Social States Of Oceania, Marienborg, and Inaros Opa, to Refugia! I hope all three of you enjoy your stays. If it applies to you, please pay attention to the rest of this message.
Refugia aims to be a friendly, laid-back community, which is open to players of all skill levels. Nations who wish to become more active in the region, however, should consider joining the World Assembly (WA). WA nations are able to vote on international law, and receive exclusive benefits within the region, such as the ability to vote in regional polls and elections, get a spot on Refugia's map, and even run for office when elections come up! If you're interested in joining the WA, check out this article, and make sure to endorse our delegate.
If you'd rather just chill with us, that's perfectly fine as well. We have an offsite forum, as well as frequent discussions on the regional message board (RMB), which everyone is welcome to participate in!
If you have any additional questions about the region or how NationStates works, feel free to leave them here, on the RMB. If you're interested in joining our offsite forum, look for the link at the top of Refugia's World Factbook Entry (the big text box at the top of our regional page).
Once again, I really hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia, Marienborg, Inaros Opa
Hello, and welcome! I'd recommend checking out our How Does dispatches. These are a series of tutorials on how to navigate the ins and outs of NationStates :)
Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
drops some cookies
*squawk away*
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia, Shipping Fan
*picks them up and runs off with them :3*
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia, Shipping Fan
You're supposed to STEAL food not GIVE food.
Lower French Gregballs, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Hi all,
I wanted to open the discussion early on Commend Kelssek. The proposal recognizes a player with a diverse set of contributions in the areas of GA authorship (and UN authorship, the international law making body that existed prior to the World Assembly but was dissolved due to the infamous cease and desist order), hosting and competition within NS Sports roleplays, and their contributions to the lawful government of Refugi embassy partner The East Pacific. On the whole, I am leaning towards a for recommendation as I believe there is substantial case for a Commendation. I do wish that the connections between clauses and broader narrative of the resolution had been built a little bit more, and I'm uncertain why so many different choppy clauses were used especially in transition areas.
Either way, I am open for Refugi input!
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, The Most Serene Republicans, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Good morning. I have re-added the discord invite link to the WFE as a part of a radical and tyrannical reform.
Typica, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Chatula, Golden Gateway, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia
UwU tyranny
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Floofybit, Laisou, Kariforunia
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Floofybit, Kariforunia
The more I think about it, I just become more skeptical of this proposal. I think the nominee is deserving but the writing is haphazard in some parts and generally lacks narrative and structure. It falls more than almost any other resolution for the "time to list some things" flaw, as it essentially consists of a list of UN/GA resolutions, a list of sports hostings and sports victories, and then a very very sloppy laundry list of every position they ever held in TEP. At no point does it create narrative and the TEP section in particular is sloppy, as positions do not equate to contributions.
I think we should recommend an against vote with a "go back, fix the writing, and try again" theme
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung, Lethedral
Thank you for this. I've been pretty busy this week with papers, so I haven't been able to push myself to look at WA stuff, especially the SC.
Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
I've pushed some updates to the regional map images just now. Namely adding Lunerbehrgm and Koayo.
I'm pretty dense sometimes, so if I've missed anything that's supposed to be on there, or I got a detail wrong, let me know.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Michelland, Junitaki-Cho, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia, Koayo
Speaking of the map, would anyone be interested if I began to work on a Hearts of Iron 4 mod based off of it and our nations? Obviously, since it's a war game it wouldn't be representative our region but just a battle royale between us for fun.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Michelland, Kariforunia, Inaros Opa
Thatd be cool! I only ever play that mlp mod on HOI4 anyway
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
I played that mod as a joke (because I'm not a brony) but ended up playing a full game of it and then ended up being conquered by the Changelings despite trying and succeeding to turn Equestria into a supremacy nation called the Solar Empire because I wanted to see if I could ally with the Changelings rather than be conquered by them.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
Omg, I'd love that. I wouldn't be able to play until June tho, exams suck );
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Kariforunia, Parapollacis
In relation to the HOI4 mod:
Base game strength of nations would be based off population, influence, and for smaller/younger nations their military stats. I already know Refuge Isle should probably be similar to the USA in that it's a sleeping giant that's fairly weak in the beginning but will become an incredible powerhouse. Helps that it's on a big island.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Kariforunia
I don't know how this would work, but it sounds neat and I'd be interested in seeing it :3
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
I think that would be a pretty neat idea and could be a lot of fun.
I really like that mod, it's so well made.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Kariforunia
That would be nice. I don't play HOI, but that would be legit.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Kariforunia
Sorry to jump into the HOI discussion. Per the discussion earlier on the RMB, I have recommended a vote against the upcoming SC vote on "Commend Kelssek". The full Information for Voters can be found here:
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Michelland, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Koayo, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Liphia, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia, Inaros Opa
Greetings, beltalowda.
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia, Parapollacis
Hi there, welcome!
Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia, Inaros Opa
Hey, who makes the visual identity of Refugia? Because I want to personally congratulate whoever it is because we're soon going to propose a visual revamp in Forest and the visual style of Refugia was a big motivator/inspiration. It just looks so nice it's basically eye candy.
Also, I'm frankly shocked nobody voted chocolate on the current poll...
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Free Las Pinas Ii, Michelland, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia, Inaros Opa
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia, Msr In Refugia, Inaros Opa
Hello there.
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Kariforunia, Msr In Refugia
General Kenobi. You are a bold one.
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Laisou, Vystrania, Kariforunia, Msr In Refugia
♫we all go where the buffalo go♫
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Where do the buffalo go though? 🤔
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Michelland, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Given what happened recently where I used to live in Florida and the fact that was supposed to be long-term storage for the phosphate contaminated water, I'll be voting against the current GA resolution at vote.
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Araine, Kariforunia
Even beyond the personal reasons to vote against, there are plenty of others. I took a look at this last night before casting my vote (Against) and it's just... not constructed well. The writing is sloppy, it chooses to define things that don't need defining (NGO), and it doesn't actually do anything. Take a look at these clauses under 'Hereby legislates that':
I probably didn't need to bold the problem here, but encouraging isn't actually legislating. You don't write a proposal in the GA with the intention of legislating the governments that are in favour of what you're proposing. You write the proposal with the intention of regulating the governments that wouldn't normally do the right thing in this case. So all in all, at least from my one read-through, I can't see a reason for me to vote in favour of this. The goals might be fine, but to my eyes, the proposal absolutely is not.
Also, something Natalie pointed out in the discord server:
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
♫♫Doro, South Sudan♫♫
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Got a couple herds about 30 miles from my place, maybe that's it.
Lower French Gregballs, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Welcome, Declandban, Akeshima, Lethedral, Feska, Banchuria, Natlean, Kalmykoya, Easian Negas, Nissan Marino, Starfa, Sortani, Nether Budgerigar, Dancin Is What To Do, Minskievian Refugees, and Chill And Cool Vibes, to Refugia! I hope all of you enjoy your stays. If it applies to you, please pay attention to the rest of this message.
Refugia aims to be a friendly, laid-back community, which is open to players of all skill levels. Nations who wish to become more active in the region, however, should consider joining the World Assembly (WA). WA nations are able to vote on international law, and receive exclusive benefits within the region, such as the ability to vote in regional polls and elections, get a spot on Refugia's map, and even run for office when elections come up! If you're interested in joining the WA, check out this article, and make sure to endorse our delegate.
If you'd rather just chill with us, that's perfectly fine as well. We have an offsite forum, as well as frequent discussions on the regional message board (RMB), which everyone is welcome to participate in!
If you have any additional questions about the region or how NationStates works, feel free to leave them here, on the RMB. If you're interested in joining our offsite forum, look for the link at the top of Refugia's World Factbook Entry (the big text box at the top of our regional page).
Once again, I really hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Laisou, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Republic Of Central Darfur, Kariforunia, Chill And Cool Vibes, Minskievian Refugees
My PC cannot handle HOI4 modding apparently
Sylh Alanor, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Laisou, Golden Gateway, Kariforunia
We are just too awesome to be handled
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Elenaraghaenaris, Araine, Kariforunia
Question: I know that Refugia is generaly considered a left-wing region.My question is: which ideology do you support (If you support any)?Not to start any arguments or anything,just out of innocent curiosity.
I am a self-identifying Christian Socialist btw.
Chacapoya, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia, Ciumbuleuit-Bandung
That's a good question, thanks for asking! I identify as an eco-socialist, but have been told in the past that that's a silly self-identifier, because everyone on the left should be caring about the environment.
Because of that, I usually just say I'm a Democratic Socialist and leave it at that.
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Valdonland, Kariforunia
I see.My own environmental concerns started growing in the last couple of years.And I agree that every leftist should care about the environment.Well,I guess every human being should care about the environment regardless of ideology but we have to start from somewere.
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
Oh, sorry I missed this, I've been a bit distracted. I made most of the visual elements for the region, flag, WFE, headers, footers, other images and BB Code. Sylh Alanor did a substantial amount of work in the writing department, particularly for the master dispatch and the FA dispatch.
Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Junitaki-Cho, Kariforunia
"Bella Ciao" is stuck in my head. The global socialist of the 20th century or just the global left made good songs.
I'd say something akin to the syndicalist beliefs but more mixed with democracy socialism of the west. But Christian Socialism sounds interesting! I'd like to know more about Christian Socialism.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Junitaki-Cho, Pantala And Pyrrhia
I've actually incorporated a lot of syndicalist thoughts in my beliefs.I'm all about co-ops and unions.As for Christian Socialism,as the name implies,is an ideology that combines elements of Christian theology with socialist thinking.We generally believe that capitalism is an idolatrous system rooted in greed and materialism.Due to the many Christian denominations that exist (Protestands,Catholics etc) and the many different theological systems,Christian Socialism can vary considerably from country to country depending on the dominant form of Christianity in that place.You may have heard of the "Liberation theology" movement of South America,that was inspired by Catholic social teaching and was a form of Christian Socialism.I am personally inspired by Eastern Orthodox theology (an Eastern orthodox myself).We believe that all people are equal and should be considered brothers and sisters,since we are all are the creations of the same God.Other than that,the ideology supports generally left-wing ideas,like the welfare system,trade unionism,environmentalism,internationalism etc. Some CS are actually secularists who believe that there is no need for a state to exist in order to enforce religion (these are more like Christian anarchists tbh) some others support a state religion.It really depends on the religious ideas and the person that supports them most times.
Melenavenia, Araine, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Kariforunia
I don't try to define myself with a belief or ideology because I feel it will narrow my worldview. I try to take things on a case by case basis. For example, a very relevant issue at the moment is "vaccine passports". You'll often find many conservatives are against vaccine passports, including my absolutely annoying governor, Ron DeSantis, and I am with them on that issue. I feel that it is an unacceptable abridgment of personal freedoms. Now, another thing many conservatives are also against is requiring vaccination (post-COVID times because not everyone has acceptable access to the COVID-19 vaccine) to be enrolled into school if the student is eligible/able to get the vaccine. I am for requiring this.
Araine, Pantala And Pyrrhia, Valdonland, Kariforunia
Im mostly an independent and primarily make opinions on issues on a case by case basis and not on whether a particular party agrees with them or not, like Melenavenia.
Id say that if there was a title Im closest to being a centrist since I have views from both sides. It can get funny because depending on what issue Im talking about with people, Ive been accused of being both a conservative and a liberal.
Melenavenia, Araine, Valdonland, Kariforunia
I can't believe I wrote out a full message here and forgot a very important last sentence
Chacapoya, Typica, Araine, Kariforunia
I myself tend to oscillate more towards left-wing anarchism with Georgist traces, though anarchism in the present time is mostly politically ineffective. So I tend to associate myself with specific causes on a case-by-case basis rather than being a card-carrying member of any political movement. I am not even convinced at the moment of whether parties are actually useful instruments of political change, to be honest, though they have a couple points in their favor.
Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Free Las Pinas Ii, Valdonland, Kariforunia
Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.