Post Archive
Region: Refugia
Wahoo! Finally a gold badge! Welfare 😏
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Liphia, Tovenia, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Polushia, Israbia, The Colony Named Bob
You beat me there! I've been stuck on the 2-5% Welfare badge for awhile.
Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta
I just got into the top 1000 on challenge mode!
It has taken a WHILE.
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta
Im now in the top 1% of the world for regional influence!
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tovenia, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Polushia
Omg it happened! Yay, congrats!
Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Remnants Of The Pacific, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Heyy, good evening, im back
(if anyone remember me)
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit
I remember! Welcome back 😄
Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho
It's time to uncurse this cursed island on which my nation lives. Our pope has already set about with a mission to uncurse the island.
Chacapoya, Narwhal, Vikoland, Floofybit, Tiralta, Polushia
May the force be with you.
Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit
Congratulations to all! Have a hearty pizza as a reward!
Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tiralta
Has anyone ever played Minecraft Story Mode? it's SUCH an underrated game that I wish still got more recognition like regular Minecraft.
It also built up my childhood
Floofybit, Tiralta
yeah i've played it, but you had to pay to play anything past the first part...
Well I have all the stories and yea I like them but I didn't really find much interest in them. I mean don't get me wrong they were fun, but for me there was just something lacking for me. But It's probably just cause of my affinity for more open-world games instead of somewhat fixed story outcomes like Story Mode.
Typica, Floofybit, Liphia, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
I never played. The only Minecraft I played was the Pocket edition one, before it was paid, after that I never played Minecraft again... I wish I could, if it was free
Floofybit, Tiralta
The head minister of Celtia is here!
Chacapoya, Typica, Melenavenia, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tovenia, Tiralta
Man its funny to see top 4% in the world and then look over and see top 35% in Refugia
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Wheat And Potatoes
right? lol I remember when I was still climbing in stats, I could have a 1% badge in something and be top 10% in the region.
Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, The Land Named Bob, Tiralta
Hello Refugia! It's time for a World Assembly discussion post. This one is on On Raider Unity.
On Raider Unity is a declaration condemning Raider Unity, which the proposal claims abides by the following 3 tenets:
This declaration aims to proclaim raider unity and its proponents a threat.
However, this proposal is authored by a proponent of Raider Unity and well-known raider, Miravana. And to raiders, a condemnation from the World Assembly is like a commendation. By authoring this proposal, Mira is largely self-condemning an idea that he has helped foster as of late, including FA ties with TCB for piling support, being the Black Hawk's frontman (a major raiding organization that actively participates in Raider Unity and its ideas), you get the picture. Therefore, I am against it, as it is blatant ego stroking.
What are your thoughts?
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Haibaria, Tiralta
I also dislike it but primarily for separate reasons. I just feel it hasnt really gone as far as it can.
Ive said this in a few places now but identifying a threat is nowhere near enough. Its like looking at a tornado, saying "yeah thats dangerous", then doing nothing as it comes to destroy you. Declarations about threats should, IMO, contextualize the threat, identify the threat, and recommend a course of action against the threat. This fails the last part. I gave the author some feedback and a normative example of what such a thing would look like, but that feedback was only partially accepted.
And I feel like raider bias definitely does play a role here. I imagine if it was a non-raider author, they could easily without regret write out a recommended course of action because it wouldnt affect them strongly. But if you're a raider, such a recommendation to destroy Raider Unity would harm your region. So of course, you would do your best to avoid taking a strong stance on the matter, which is what this declaration does.
Now if one was to argue that this was meant just to define raider unity, as Mira originally intended, it still doesn't fit the bill. If you're using a declaration to define a word, IMO you need to elaborate on why that word needs definition and how a lack of a definition can be harmful. I don't find the reasoning "its a threat so we should define it" convincing because many threats are better left undefined, but that is the basic reasoning given by the declaration in that regard.
Ultimately I think it is a solid declaration idea, but it doesn't accomplish its goal well enough and isn't really a useful declaration to have as currently written.
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Minskievian Refugees, Tiralta
I used to play it when I was like 9. The part where reuben dies is sad.
Typica, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific
Typica, Floofybit
also, any help, I am on safari, and I was trying to find a website I last visited on my history and I misclicked and clicked delete all time and now all the webpages I am recommended are gone, any help?
Floofybit, Avatar Webby
Once they're gone, it cannot be undone.
Typica, Floofybit, Tiralta
*roams through the region*
Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tovenia, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Welcome! Sorry, I didn't see you earlier. Nice to have you here <3 you can also join our discord server at the top of the region page if you're interested in hanging out and chatting with us as a friend.
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Polushia
Did you guys know that if you work at Hilton, there's a phone number that you can call which just has discarded former general managers trapped in a room, kept there for random questions we're all hoping one of them has the answer to?
I have just remembered this now and thought I should share it with you
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Liphia, Yondoria, Tiralta, Djorner
now that's one way to pass down the advice of the ancients
Delta Vega Iv, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Liphia, Yondoria, Djorner
so thats what all the yelling is....
Delta Vega Iv, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Djorner
Cheesy Tots, Floofybit
Hey everyone I have got an issue saying that in my country there is a watch Industry knowned in all the Refugia. Apparently it's going bankroupt and they want to upgrade it.
So what do you guys want?
Watches that are bigger and heavier but are more precise.
Watches that have jewells and are luxury watches but are less precise.
Watches that are simpler and uglier.
In 24 hours I will count your votes and will decide
Delta Vega Iv, Cheesy Tots, Narwhal, Cleston, Floofybit, Tiralta
more precise watches sound cooler so that!
Floofybit, Allokyus, Polushia
Let's not use words like that.
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Lethodus, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Allokyus, Aephony, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Israbia
Start small to get big
Simple monochromatic watches! Those won't be ugly
Delta Vega Iv, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Polushia
Post by Remnants Of The Pacific suppressed by Refuge Isle.
Well then dont quote words like those......
It was an official warning, and I quoted it to make the point of what was wrong.
Typica, Refuge Isle, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Wheat And Potatoes
Hello Refugia! Please read (and upvote!) our recommendation to vote against the at-vote SC proposal, "On Raider Unity":
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Melenavenia, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Avatar Webby, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta
Floofybit, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
I vote for jewels!
Floofybit, Tiralta
Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta, Bison
Hii everyone! I'm new around here
Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Yondoria, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta
hi welcome!
Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Tiralta
Sylh Alanor, Floofybit, Tiralta
I vote for Jewls
Bigger and Heavier. I want my watch to be able to withstand an avalanche or being run over by a huge truck.
Thanks! You convinced me. I'll soon change my vote.
DV-IV just banned cars. Env.B. +2.4%; Eco-F. +1.3%
Typica, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Tiralta, Hollandi
I've become all-consuming, fear the wrath of the all-consumer :)
Delta Vega Iv, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Floofybit, Liphia, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Djorner
Soo the final votings are:
Option 1-3 votes
Option 2-2 votes
Option 3-1 vote.
Refugia has now better and more precise watches.
In other news children now punch rabbits for amusement...
Narwhal, Floofybit, Tiralta
Quick poll; should I change my flag to an actual anarchist flag (like the skull and bones ones), keep it the same, or something different that you can recommend me
Floofybit, Aephony
Also, since my county is based in Estonia, Estonia Motto or English motto
Floofybit, Aephony
Nah, I think this flag is amazing, just recommend that you should make the symbol/coat of arms bigger.
And Estonian motto sounds cool.
Typica, Floofybit
Hello Refugia! It's time for a World Assembly discussion post. This one is on LGBTIQA Inclusiveness In Schools Act.
LGBTIQA Inclusiveness In Schools Act is a proposal to tear down bigoted teachings in schools and spread inclusive messages to students, to teach students early on about LGBTQ+ acceptance to reduce these students growing up to be homophobic, transphobic, etc.
In theory, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. The proposal's preamble neatly outlines why this proposal was written. It reads:
The biggest flaw of the proposal is in the definitions. The definition for a "school" is "an institution designed for the organised education of students by providing learning spaces and environments." What non-school entities may fit under this definition?
- libraries
- churches/synagogues/mosques/religious institutions that teach scripture or aspects of that religion
- cults (this is a little less colorable but it could be argued)
- online educational courses by organizations (for, say, coding, math, typing, etc.)
- potentially summer camps or organizations like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (teaching stuff like woodworking, marketing, arts & crafts, etc. in an organized fashion to those enrolled in the organization to learn, ie students)
This proposal would have all of these entities teach unrelated subjects and offer unrelated resources on top of their curricula. The biggest consequence of this may be 2b(iv), which has these entities offer resources to their students to "otherwise support the mental health of students with diverse sexual or romantic orientations or gender identity." A reasonable interpretation of diverse would include heterosexual orientations and cisgender identities, therefore placing substantial weight on online typing boot camps to give therapy to the overwhelming majority, if not all of those who use it.
Another oddity is 2a, directing schools to teach things like how gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. vary naturally, however only to students under the age of majority. Why? Beyond me.
What are your thoughts?
Chacapoya, Honeydewistania, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Aephony, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Just had a nice, refreshing Eco-boosting issue.
Delta Vega Iv, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Polushia
good day or night isn't
Narwhal, Floofybit, Tiralta
Just rejected plasma weapons, and now Im kinda regretting it-
Typica, Polushia
nice flag.. I approve of your choice
Delta Vega Iv
ah crap my pziza
bonus: Ive made 4 more fictional dog breeds for my country, feel free to adopt (aka take) one of them for your own country! They will be seen in the Factbook in my country
Hello, the Refugia Office of WA Affairs has recommended against the at-vote GA proposal LGBTIQA Inclusiveness in Schools Act. Please read (and upvote!) it here:
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Refuge Isle, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Yondoria, Haibaria, Tiralta
Thanks for the latest IFV, Minsk
I've put up the latest in a series of stupid polls designed to quiz pronunciation. I'm slowly realising that I say a lot of things a certain way, where that way is not at all supported by the spelling. So I guess I have no grounds to be upsetti about "lieutenant".
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Minskievian Refugees, Tiralta
Sorry, i was just angry because of his atrocious idea of expansion. He said that it would be fine to literally commit war crimes since "history is written by the victors". Honestly, i want to throw him on a rocket, then intercept the rocket with a nuclear ICBM, then bomb the [REDACTED] out of the wreckage and throw the dust into another rocket, move it into deep space and nuke it again THEN throw the wreckage at the sun. He wants to disturb our decades of peace and prosperity for territorial expansion and pointless wars and possibly the destruction of our economic and military power for a few miles of land!
In your generals defense hes right history is written by the victorious look at Columbus he sounds like a hero from the perspective of the victor but as soon as you look a little deeper you see what a terrible guy he was and how he raped and enslaved harmless people but because of Columbus the country I live in was made and since he won and told his story we in America mostly see him as a hero even though he committed war crimes and when Columbus was alive his country loved him for what he did or at least what they heard he did so in my opinion your general is correct
Edit: Im not saying raping or enslaving is ok its a terrible act thats a crime against humanity and should be illegal
In all fairness, I don't think most people in the Americas (certainly not in Canada, at least) like Columbus.
Also, during his lifetime, he wasn't that respected. Columbus, against all known science at the time, theorised the earth was actually much smaller. So he thought the Canary Islands were about 4400km from Japan, when they were actually around 19000km. His treatment of the Indigenous people of the Caribbean was documented, and not long after his death there were large public debates to be held about the brutality the Spanish were using. In 1500, Columbus was arrested for being extremely incompetent in running Hispaniola, and was dismissed as governor. He was released, but was mostly ignored after that point and died still demanding respect and money from the Spanish crown.
The general is correct insofar as if you annihilate people, their stories don't get told, but history isn't as simple as that. We know of Columbus's brutality and crimes, we know what he did, and that history is being changed and thought of in a new light. It just required us to stop thinking of history as a series of "great men" doing things, a process we're still going through. The people who write issues aren't trying to make them extremely deep, for what it's worth. The issues are generally pretty h*ckpost-y, so while some of them can definitely be upsetting or annoying in their representation of groups or ideas, it'd be healthier for us to not get quite so heated about them.
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Narwhal, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Yondoria, Haibaria, Aephony, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Here we go... *puts on reading glasses*
Araine, Floofybit, Polushia
Oh god not Columboobs
Sorry I meant Columbooze
Let's not talk about Col-bum-sus
We don't talk about Col-bum-sus
Can we not spam.
Typica, Narwhal, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Yondoria, Remnants Of The Pacific, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Typica, Floofybit
On a serious note though:
None of historical people were really "perfect" (The conditions weren't the best), or at least likable, most of them suck, a lot of them suck, and Colombus was ehhh for me, he is portrayed as the opposite, in short: he did useful things in a really bad and messed up way.
But here, are politicians/people who made differences in general I respect and need more attention (Simplified):
Seretse Khama - Dude made Botswana from the Third poorest country in the world to a generally good place, considering he started with
100 high school graduates out of a country with the population of more than 2 million and literally own SO LITTLE of recources, and being surrounded by annoying nations.
Here is more explanation considering no one knows him:
Abraham Lincoln - I don't really need to explain this one, he was generally a funny and interesting guy (although had a lot of personal problems and no support of the nation at all, which made this a lot harder) and dealt with the American Civil War.
Winston Churchill - I like his accent.
Oh and yeah, he was an important role in Britain and stuff.
I like changing the subject to absloutley nothing that has to do with the original post.
Delta Vega Iv, Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Liphia, Remnants Of The Pacific, Polushia
i just realized that post was so hard to read, sorry about that.
Cheesy Tots, Polushia
I don't know that Colombus was really doing useful things. Anyone could have sailed far enough to make contact with the Americans and maybe at least not intentionally slaughtered and defrauded them.
Churchill also had some pretty substantial issues. There's a good piece from Scientific American about how he and his scientific advisor created a famine in then-colony India.
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Aephony, Remnants Of The Pacific, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
You're right,
I guess that proves the point of no historical figures are perfect. But I am not the best history/politics ect.
Thank you so much for correcting me!
And yes, Colombus sucks.
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats
Also would say while Lincoln was probably better than Colombus and Churchill, he also wasn't the most morally superior individual. But he definitely did a whole damn lot for sure
I heard once that 1400s China probably had enough technology to have reached the Americas if they hadn't stopped being as expansive with trade in the 1400s. It's kinda wild to think, honestly, how different the world could be if China had explored the Americas first.EDIT: I do wanna say this is the first time I've ever heard of Seretse Khama and that man is super inspiring. Thanks for sharing the video, Aephony
Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Aephony, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats
Let's just quickly step back and acknowledge that the Europeans didn't really do any firsts in exploring the Americas either :P there were people who had been living here for a very long time before that, and who had even been trading with Polynesian cultures in the Pacific (
Also Winston Churchill was a horrible monster of a person and should not be venerated in the least. The man literally had people killed in not only India, but also South Africa and several other countries that were unfortunate enough to be controlled by the UK during his lifetime. He was basically an enemy to anyone who wasn't both white and living in England, the US, or maybe western Europe but I don't know the latter for sure. People think highly of him because he was in charge of the UK during WW2, but he oversaw a lot more than that.
Honeydewistania, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Yondoria, Haibaria, Remnants Of The Pacific, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Djorner
Churchill and Stalin saved the world (along with Eisenhower and Truman) from Hitler and his axis, and I'm thankful to both for it. It doesn't mean I necessarily admire them (definitely not Stalin).
Cheesy Tots, Djorner
I think that they more likely saved their worlds, not really the world because they had their own goals for their country and the world that conflicted with the Axis.
However, I've got to quote Aephony on this one:
Delta Vega Iv, Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Haibaria, Aephony, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta
Hello Everyone! How is Your Morning?
Typica, Araine, Floofybit, The Land Named Bob, Remnants Of The Pacific, Tiralta, Polushia, The Slene Tell
Going good! Very chilly outside and only a few clouds!
Typica, Araine
Yay! Socialism! After a tiny bit of hard work, my income equality is finally coming back and now I actually have employees 😮 Best decision of my life. 🤑
Araine, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Yatern
yes! :D
Floofybit, Yatern
hello I am new :)
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, Minskievian Refugees
Very well and yours?
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Araine, Floofybit, Yatern
I'm finally covid free again so able to go back to see my family tomorrow!
Delta Vega Iv, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, The Land Named Bob, Haibaria, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Polushia, Yatern
How is Refugia today?
EDIT: I now have 100.00 civil rights at last!
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Typica, Sylh Alanor, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Minskievian Refugees, Aephony, Tiralta
Daydreaming about an active RMB
Typica, Floofybit, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
Hullo :D
I have done a lot of updating on the FA side of things. The FA dispatch should be entirely up to date, and we're almost full up on Envoys now, which is something I've been wanting to get done. How are you?
Congrats on the civil rights! That's a very high number.
Delta Vega Iv, Chacapoya, Zukchiva, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Liphia, Avatar Webby, Tiralta
Map Dispatch Update!
The map dispatch now shows a full list of the cultures provided. Originally, it showed only the ancestral home, but I've added a new column showing everyone who practices those that already existed. This took some effort (and I'm worse at coding tables than I look, it took me way longer than I care to admit lol), but I'm hoping that by showing the extra column, we can encourage people to either change their cultures to those around them over time, or for new applicants to join pre-existing ones. I think using content that has been made by other members of the community would be a fun element. The times people have applied with a culture that wasn't entirely new has made me happy, and I hope to see it continue ^-^
To see the update, check out the dispatch below, and click the "List of Cultures" link underneath the second map image!
Chacapoya, Honeydewistania, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Tovenia, The Land Named Bob, Haibaria, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats, Tiralta, Duneraven
Hello Refugia! It's time for a World Assembly discussion post. This one is on Commend Emiline.
Commend Emiline is a proposal to commend Emiline for her regionbuilding in Anteria, her administration work in the Augustin Alliance, her recruitment efforts in the United Regions Alliance, and her diplomatic work in Anteria and the AA, even during nuclear war.
The Augustin Alliance has a bit of a reputation that many dislike, and its founder perhaps even easier to dislike. But while sure, Emi admins the AA and is heavily involved in the AA, I don't personally think this completely discredits her beneficial work.
Something to note, though, is that Anteria has had a bit of a rough OOC moderation history.
What are your thoughts?
Delta Vega Iv, Zukchiva, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Haibaria
I don't know my thoughts on this. I was FOR this morning, but seeing TNP's IFV and thinking a little has brought me back to being in the middle. @_@
On one hand I absolutely think the nominee is commendable. Based on the proposal itself, and also the sheer fact that they helped create Anteria - a large, well-rounded, and diverse UCR. I mean even if the entire commend was Anteria work, that'd be enough for me to support it.
On the other, I agree with TNP/Europeia that the proposal is highly vague in a lot of places - particularly in its first clause on Anteria and the first URA clauses. It could use work.
So honestly not sure how I am on this proposal.
That being said, I do have to push back against the idea that Anteria has had a rough OOC moderation history. As far as I am aware, the main issue was that Emi often left alone problematic posts after the person who posted them was dealt with. Obviously an unadvisable moderation practice, but not enough to say Anteria has a poor moderation history considering all OOC-icky people were properly dealt with, afaik. Therefore, I feel it's unfair to say that Anteria has a rough OOC moderation history. Plus, that practice has since ceased the last I heard.
Chacapoya, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Junitaki-Cho, Erie-Arcadia Of Wombats
I GOT THE "Issue With Issues" ISSUE!
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, The Land Named Bob, Avatar Webby, Tiralta, Polushia
omg I take issue with issuing you the issue with issues issue.
Chacapoya, Cheesy Tots, Typica, Vikoland, Araine, Floofybit, Tiralta
I just need to get some homework done stat tonight, with school on Monday...
Cheesy Tots, Typica, Floofybit
Good luck
Cheesy Tots, Floofybit, Avatar Webby
I've got to issue the message that issues are in fact an issue with many issues with how they are issued.
(Wow, issue doesnt even look like a word anymore
weekend homework sucks 👎
Floofybit, Avatar Webby, Aephony
I got covid.
Honeydewistania, Cheesy Tots, Sylh Alanor, Floofybit
Assembled with Dot's Region Saver.
Written by Refuge Isle.